Low Fat, High Protein Ideas Please

I keep going over my fat goal, but under my protein goal!

I need help with inspiration for snacks (mostly) and meals that are higher in protein and fiber, but lower in fat. I've found out that my go-to's (avocado, nuts, egg, cheese) are the culprits, but I'm not willing to eat low-fat cheese because it doesn't digest as easily for me as whole milk products. I'm thinking egg whites are probably a good thing to start doing.

So ideas? What do you do to stay balanced?


  • superslug375
    superslug375 Posts: 7 Member
    I was about to start a thread with nearly the same question. I'm not too worried about fat as much as I am total carbs and calories, although fats don't always help that.

    According to the food tracking I've done in just over a week, I probably should be eating nothing but turkey bacon, but that doesn't sound right.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Protein powder
    Quest bars
  • CatalinaJoye
    CatalinaJoye Posts: 26 Member
    High fibre/protien diets are the most successful because they work together. Fibre slows digestion because its hard to break down (hence fibre keeps you full) and protien burns the most calories to digest. Basically you are burning tons of calories with protien at a slowed rate to keep you full. However, dont cut out fats completley. Fats actually burn calories as well and they have amino acids, something protien has little to none of. Amino acids raise your metabolism burning even more calories. Personally I think fats keep you fuller than fibre from experience and a lot of knowlege/courses. Keep what youre eating (avacado, nuts, cheese) and dont skip out on the egg yolk it actually has biotin which activates the protien in the white, which is way more beneficial to your protien intake. I reccommend for lean protien: Tuna (high protien,low cal,low fat), beans (high fibre, high protien, low fat). Best two foods for fibre and protien without the calories or fat