300 Plus! I'm determined!! Are you?!

I need new friends who are determined to not give up and beat obesity with me :) I'd love more friends who post on here and we could help keep each other accountable!! I love new friends and support buddies!! I keep falling off this weightless wagon but I am determined to get healthy this time!! Will you team up with me so we can encourage each other :) please!?


  • chicatita
    chicatita Posts: 193 Member
    I'm determined!

    Hi, I'm Qesha! Prior to using MFP, I had eaten my way to 287lbs. Wow?! I never saw myself as being that heavy or obese. Since I've started using MFP, I've lost 40+ lbs and lots of inches. The struggle continues...and this journey is not easy, but worth it!

    Please to meet you:)
  • Woodsmoke
    Woodsmoke Posts: 360 Member
    Another 300+ here. I have changed my ticker from 343 down to my ultimate goal to a shorter step, or I'll feel like I'll never get there!

    What exercises do you do?
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I'm with you In January I weighed in at 260lbs and I am down to 224. It has been hard work and I attribute some of my success to the friends/supporters that I have on here. Friend me if you wish and I will do my best to support and encourage you on this journey.
  • michielee
    michielee Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started my journey on here April 1st of this year at 270 pounds. So far I am down 13 pounds and I am determined to accomplish my goal this time. I attribute my determination and success so far to the friends/supporters I have on MFP. I would love to be able to help support and encourage you on your journey!
  • mrsamandarichardson
    Yes! I agree it's a struggle but we will get there!!! I hate where I have been and the failure of starting and stopping but I'm soooooo determined to do this... I need it for me, my boys need their mom, & I pray to be able to add another baby one day soon :)
  • mrsamandarichardson
    I want a tracker :) I'm just learning mfp I've had it a while just never used it :( right now I'm doing the treadmill & squats I want add more though my body is soooo sore : I'm only on day 4! You?!
  • mrsamandarichardson
    Great job!!! Yea I will friend y'all :) that's why I wanted more friends :) I know it will be a huge help! Keep on keeping on!
  • dizy17
    dizy17 Posts: 236 Member
    Feel free to add me. i started MFP in December at 323lbs and now im 286lbs. i am determined and wont quit til i hit my goal weight of 180
  • ladydy911
    ladydy911 Posts: 126 Member
    Add me please. I started at 480 4 years ago-just started MFP almost 2 weeks ago. I try not to weigh but once a month because I get discouraged if i weigh more often and it suits me to do it monthly. We all need support for this journey!!!!!
  • amberjay0
    amberjay0 Posts: 28 Member
    I am determind too :)
  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    You can add me also! Im losing it for my health. Looking better in cosplay helps too!