Training with Injury.

Hey Everyone,

So recently incorporated weight lifting back into my exercise plan and have pulled a muscle in my back already on the seated leg press pushing 240kg :/ - MY question is this! what exercises can I do that wont aggravate my back any further? (ive pulled the muscles just below my shoulder blades, "lattisimus dorsus" I believe) I really don't want to stop training but I don't want to make it worse either!

Any tips for pulled muscles/advice on training with injuries would be GREATLY appreciated. Hope everyone is having an awesome Monday!


  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    If it is just a pull it should go away quickly, so you shouldn't have to work around it. Your lower back is pretty integral. If it does not go away get it checked out. By the way if you hurt your lower back doing leg presses then you are probably going too heavy. Your lats are kind of a weird location for an injury in this case.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I pulled soemthing under my shoulder blade. I just stopped and let my body heal itself becayse to make it worse would have been very stupid. It got better a number of days later. A he said above its pretty integral to most exercises.

    Also what hunbers said that to hurt your back in the way you describe sounds pretty odd, unless you were not firmly back into the seat, which means theforce was being channeled the wrong way. It means your form was wrong/dangerous and you should focus on correct form less you do a serious injury.
  • Lythy89
    Lythy89 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you for the reply guys! it was defo down to my form, was not seated back properly so my back curved. I think ive nailed it now ;) thanks again
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    In future make sure you place form > weight. I far too often see people attempting weights they obviously cannot handle as some sort of ego boost to themselves. The majority of them disappear after a month or so, my guess is probably due to injuries...
  • Lythy89
    Lythy89 Posts: 57 Member
    I get you bro, but its not an ego boost when your the only one in the room lifting at the time haha. The weight itself isnt an issue to push, its a reasonable weight for me i just didnt have the form right. Thanks for the reply though