HELP!! Need Motiviation/Help


I have seriously lost my workout motivation!! I am still loosing weight because I eat properly but I haven't worked out since February of this year, due to a knee injury. I was relased two weekw ago and still can't find the motiviation. I was up to working out 5-6 days(45-60mins) doing Chalene Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid, in addtion to walking/running for 30 mins 3-4 days a week and I was able to run for 10mins without stopping.

How do I get back to that? Where do I start? I feel like I am starting all over again. :(:(:(

SW: 282
CW: 230


  • morgennn
    morgennn Posts: 169 Member
    It may feel like its a set back but if you're still losing weight it's definitely not - nothing can stop you! The good thing is you've not given up due to the injury so just pick yourself up and carry on :) start with small walks - ANY form of exercise is better than nothing! Good luck x
  • Gabstergetsfit
    Gabstergetsfit Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I do feel like that. Thank you so much.
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I had been doing T-25 and PiYO. I injured my knee a few weeks ago. I am doing Body Beast now without the legs portion. Exercise, diet and an amazing support group including my wife, friends, and a support group on facebook. Since January I have lost over 100 pounds. If you want to chat feel free to add me or send me a message. You can do it. It only takes a few weeks to get back into the habit. If you need support or motivation feel free to let me know. I want to pay it forward.

  • Gabstergetsfit
    Gabstergetsfit Posts: 15 Member
    thanks so much Steve. Congrats on the weightloss. You look amazng!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Sometimes you just have to switch up your routine. Just stay active. Weather is nice now so run at a different place or try swimming. Maybe some Volleyball or Soccer. You'll eventually get back to it. Best of luck!
  • Gabstergetsfit
    Gabstergetsfit Posts: 15 Member
    VanessaGS wrote: »
    Sometimes you just have to switch up your routine. Just stay active. Weather is nice now so run at a different place or try swimming. Maybe some Volleyball or Soccer. You'll eventually get back to it. Best of luck!

    Thanks swiming sounds nice and probably good on my knees
  • Gabstergetsfit
    Gabstergetsfit Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all for the advice it just seems like when my alarm goes off at 5am I come up with thousands of excuses. I have to work out that early because I work late in the evenings.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I do not know about you OP but when I had a sideline injury with surgery my recovery time was filled with just accomplishing what I failed to do. When I was clear to get back and workout I went slow at first since my injury was in the gym. I really wanted the beat the workout that took me out of commission. It was a good day to finally redo and conquer that workout. I will never get back there again.
  • NCJones812
    I love to workout although Im not always motivated to leave the house and get to the gym. What Ive learned to do is just put my workout clothes on...once they're on, I feel like I have to work out or Ive just wasted a perfectly good workout outfit.
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    I read an article this weekend that suggested recalling the feelings associated with how you felt after a great workout. I really liked it because I think we can all recall that feeling of being a bad *kitten* or feeling so empowered. And if you pull up the emotions of feeling that way it will help motivate you. That is kind of how I make myself do it. I remember how it felt saying I would work out and sitting on the couch all evening and then mentally compared it to how I felt when I DID get up and do it. Gets me going everytime. Best of luck to you and congratulations on still eating properly and not letting that spiral out of control. That takes some powerful good stuff just to do that much!
    The biggest thing for me is schedule. I DON'T like rolling out of bed for a workout, but I also know that if I don't do it first thing it will never get done. So, I plan my clothes the night before and put everything right beside my bed. Once I'm dressed to workout it's much easier to go and do it. Even if you go outside with the intention of walking only, it usually will feel great enough that you'll be inspired to do more. Congrats for staying on your eating plan! :)
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Try resistance and weight training.

    I have a bad knee and have lost weight, re-comped my body, and do not have to do any cardio
  • Gabstergetsfit
    Gabstergetsfit Posts: 15 Member
    NCJones812 wrote: »
    I love to workout although Im not always motivated to leave the house and get to the gym. What Ive learned to do is just put my workout clothes on...once they're on, I feel like I have to work out or Ive just wasted a perfectly good workout outfit.

    I hear this works as well. I will try it
  • Gabstergetsfit
    Gabstergetsfit Posts: 15 Member
    The biggest thing for me is schedule. I DON'T like rolling out of bed for a workout, but I also know that if I don't do it first thing it will never get done. So, I plan my clothes the night before and put everything right beside my bed. Once I'm dressed to workout it's much easier to go and do it. Even if you go outside with the intention of walking only, it usually will feel great enough that you'll be inspired to do more. Congrats for staying on your eating plan! :)

    I use to do this I think I will get back to scheduling them. It is a great idea. I had to stay on the eating otherwise I would have been bigger then I was originally but it was hard but then again I knew I couldnt work out so....

  • Gabstergetsfit
    Gabstergetsfit Posts: 15 Member
    Try resistance and weight training.

    I have a bad knee and have lost weight, re-comped my body, and do not have to do any cardio

    how long and how many days