Gained 1 pd back??

So Ive logged (been doing this for 20 days) I had lost 6.4 pds but this past week apparently gained a pd back? I have been under my caloric goal every day : ( Not understanding!


So I was referred to this site called Lose It by a friend and upon signing up realized that my caloric intake is a lot higher with this site than myfitnesspal? Ive been set at the 1 pd weight loss a week and on myfitnesspal my caloric intake was 1450. on here it is right at 1750???

Can someone tell me how that is possible? I would hate to start eating that many more calories a day and gain some of the weight back that Ive lost from the other program but I would LOVE it if I could actually be eating this much a day!


  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    Most people fail to lose or gain in week 3. The first 2 weeks are primarily water weight. As you get used to your new diet and exercise plan, your water stabilizes.

    As for the other site, MFP and it probably use different formulas. For instance, MFP does not include exercise calories in your daily food - it adds them in once you log them and then you eat more. Also, some sites do not allow to set sedentary since very few of us actually are.
  • mblair4185
    mblair4185 Posts: 26 Member
    Do you normally start losing again at week 4? This is my first time dieting so I have no idea what to expect lol!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You're going to see daily weight fluctuations based on water, menstrual cycle, bowel movements, etc. Stick with it and focus on trends over a longer period of time.

    Those calorie goals are just estimates. Again, stick with it, log everything as accurately as you can. Get a food scale and a heart rate monitor if you don't already have them. Be patient, you'll figure out what works for your body.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Your body will naturally fluctuate water weight... look at trends over a 4-6 week timeframe before adjusting.

    From my understand lose it incorporate exercise as part of your daily goal (generally called the TDEE method) while MFP suggest you eat back exercise calories. In the end, it will balance out.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Water retention for your period?
    MFP expects you to eat back exercise cals.
    Others average in your exercise cals to your daily allowance.
    Bothy should come to about the same if you use the sites the way they are designed.
  • mblair4185
    mblair4185 Posts: 26 Member
    Sooo the water retention from my period could actually be it.... Feeling a little stupid now. I really appreciate all of your answers!!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You should be impressed it's only 1 lb from TOM. In many cases it can be 5+ <-- is with my wife.
  • mblair4185
    mblair4185 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh wow...yes, my goodness. I would have went off the deep end this morning if I gained 5 haha!
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    mblair4185 wrote: »
    Sooo the water retention from my period could actually be it.... Feeling a little stupid now. I really appreciate all of your answers!!!!

    Lots of women neglect to consider their monthly cycle in their weight fluctuations. Search for TOM threads and you'll feel less stupid. :smile:
  • mblair4185
    mblair4185 Posts: 26 Member
    Hahaha! Thank you!!!! :D
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    mblair4185 wrote: »
    Oh wow...yes, my goodness. I would have went off the deep end this morning if I gained 5 haha!

    Don't flip if you see a bit more the next few days. I gain for 3-4 days, not that you will, but it's a possibility.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    mblair4185 wrote:
    So I've logged (been doing this for 20 days) I had lost 6.4 pds
    Good for you! Weight loss is not linear, so expect some bumps & stalls.
    The less you have to lose, the slower it goes.

    Here's a VERY helpful post:

    my caloric intake is a lot higher with this site than myfitnesspal? Ive been set at the 1 pd weight loss a week and on myfitnesspal my caloric intake was 1450. on here it is right at 1750?
    It's all an estimate anyway. They could be using a different way to estimate.

    Here's a BMI chart:
    Pick a number in the green range, preferably toward the center.
    Eat 10x that in calories.
    (This is what my doctor & dietician told me to do.)
    Once you get to your healthy goal weight, nudge them up until you're not losing weight any more. That will probably be about 15 cal / lb.
    (That's what Harvard Medical School says.)

    Here's a calculator to estimate how many calories you need to maintain any weight:

    This calculator can tell you your BMI, how many calories you need, & how many servings of which food groups you need to maintain that weight:

    Finally Scooby's calculator is a popular tool:

    So you'll get a pretty good idea of how much you should eat by getting more opinions. If they're all coming in around the same range, within a couple hundred calories, you're good.
  • mblair4185
    mblair4185 Posts: 26 Member
    Very helpful!!!! Thank you!!!!