Shakeology Samples...



  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    LMAO @ the defensive Shakecrapology commercials...
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I was just trying to be helpful to the OP and suggest that they try a cheaper option. I can't help but bash it when it's not a good product. I also bash GNC :)

    If i saw someone on here asking about taking hydroxycut or some other supplements I felt that they didn't need, I would react the same. I'd suggest a proper diet and better supplements.
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    I LOVE the chocolate shakeology.. I never tried the greenberry because everyone says it's an 'acquired' taste.. why would I want to 'acquire' a taste for it? LOL. I like the stuff, it's just ridiculously expensive. I do just fine with protein shakes elsewhere for $30 rather than $100
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Yeah they are awful! so gross, and not as much protein as you would want in a shake!! and yes the coaches are like vultures!

    id reccommend the pure protein frosty chocolate... so cheap & for 1 scoop you get 140 calories and 25 grams of protein! and so tasty...just mix with some non fat milk & a banana & you're good to go!
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I love free smaples.. Sign me up! haha
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    To each their own, some people like it and some people hate it. But, you don't need to color the perceptions of someone who is genuinely interested in trying it. And comparing it to a protein shake is, well......... I can't compare it to my egg white protein powder that I used to use - that stuff only has protein (and tastes like crap, by the way, but was totally drinkable when mixed with the Shakeology) and no added vitamins or minerals. I get a good amount of my minerals and vitamins through my Shakeology and the rest through the foods that I eat.
  • aanaya56
    aanaya56 Posts: 136
    Watch out!! Now that you have asked that question....the BeachBody coaches are going to descend on you like vultures on roadkill....wait for it....

    LMAO ... very true.

    Oh and op... they arent very good.... yep i tried one and i will never invest my money into an overly... um nasty drink that may only play mind games.. i think free exercise and healthy food choices is doing just fine for me :)

    AGREE~! And it was toooooo expensive...
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Watch out!! Now that you have asked that question....the BeachBody coaches are going to descend on you like vultures on roadkill....wait for it....

    LMAO!! the wait for it gets me every time somebody says it
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    To each their own, some people like it and some people hate it. But, you don't need to color the perceptions of someone who is genuinely interested in trying it. And comparing it to a protein shake is, well.......

    1. Letting someone know before they get ripped off is generally the right thing to do. I don't like seeing people being taken advantage of by supplement companies that market things to people who don't understand how they work.

    2. A protein shake along with a multivitamin and wheat grass would be both cheaper and I'd be willing to bet its just as beneficial. BeachBody has really managed to get a lot of clueless people to back up their supps. It blows my mind.
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    To each their own, some people like it and some people hate it. But, you don't need to color the perceptions of someone who is genuinely interested in trying it. And comparing it to a protein shake is, well.......

    1. Letting someone know before they get ripped off is generally the right thing to do. I don't like seeing people being taken advantage of by supplement companies that market things to people who don't understand how they work.

    2. A protein shake along with a multivitamin and wheat grass would be both cheaper and I'd be willing to bet its just as beneficial. BeachBody has really managed to get a lot of clueless people to back up their supps. It blows my mind.

  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    haley, you stated
    "Whether by working out alone, Shakeology only or a combination of the 2 (I believe it is a combo - but more related to workout dedication) my BP has reduced significantly (to the point where I am going to talk to Dr. next visit to reduce or stop BP meds), my cholesterol has dropped from 226 to 165, my HDL (good cholesterol) has gone up from 54 to 71 - all in the span of 8 - 9 months.

    Now to try and answer ... I do not have any samples so I cannot assist but I would not suggest trying either the Greenberry or Chocolate alone. If you do get samples google for recipes. A couple of tasty recipes (in my opinion) are below: "

    From Lloyd to Haley

    Congratulations on your sucess...........
    I am fortunate as well, my Blood Pressure went frrom 165/90 to 110 / 65

    Excellent LDL and HDL as well as total cholseterol is 131

    Triglicirides are 89, dropped from 110

    pretty good numbers with 120 lbs dropped in one year and 18 inches off my wasit line, read my bio, its pretty informative..........

    I never took one single Shakeology drink , or any other kind of protein drink. I did it the old fashioned way.........Good nutrition, exercise staying forcused and good nights sleep.............Lloyd
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    ^^great job lloydrt.

    Thats the way to do it. proper diet > any supplement.
  • harmonydubois
    1. Letting someone know before they get ripped off is generally the right thing to do. I don't like seeing people being taken advantage of by supplement companies that market things to people who don't understand how they work.

    2. A protein shake along with a multivitamin and wheat grass would be both cheaper and I'd be willing to bet its just as beneficial. BeachBody has really managed to get a lot of clueless people to back up their supps. It blows my mind.

    They got me real good, signed up as a coach and everything. However, I'm not into it like that and I am not into pushing products on ppl. After i get the rest of my fitness programs from them, I am signing off, and getting rid of my coach, because she is only into you if you're helping her make money. By the way, Chocolate Shakeology is ok, but you will get bored with it after while and need something else anyway. I have a whole box, and now I can't stomach it anymore
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    sounds like that Amway group...........its like they are brain washed, they want to recruit you, and then they advance to a higher position and you have to find 10 friends and so on, and so on...........Ponzi scheme.........
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    ^^ JUST like amway.

    And it's a shame that they are so pushy because I've had a few of the drink mixes from an amway company. I think they're called nutrisweet or nutri something. They're little tubes you squeeze into water.
    Good stuff but I won't buy it because its overpriced due to the way the company works. And because the people are pushy and want you to become a seller.

    If shakeology was like half the price, and not made by beachbody, i'd probably use it.
  • clvdandj
    clvdandj Posts: 76
    I bought it, i didn't particularly like the flavor, but i drank it cuz it was expensive, and it didnt really do anything except make me feel weird like caffine overload or something. I would never buy it again...and unless you add stuff to it, its very gagging. Try it before you buy it for sure!!
  • jackiekjames
    Wow, had no idea one simple question could cause all this...thanks for all the replies!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    this sounds like the Muscle Tech school of marketing.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Wow, had no idea one simple question could cause all this...thanks for all the replies!

    No kidding. Do your own research and make your own decision.
  • aanaya56
    aanaya56 Posts: 136
    Wow, had no idea one simple question could cause all this...thanks for all the replies!

    LOL I was a Coach before... I went Diamond Rank and everything.. I do believe in the workouts.. But I dont think $119 for a bag of Shakeology is worth it. You can find better things out there.. ;)