Run 3x Weekly, Looking to Add Strength Training

I run MWF, 70 minutes hard on the elliptical. My calorie burn is usually ~1000. Sometimes I'll follow that up with 70 minutes on the treadmill. I want to add free weights T, TH and am looking for a program. My goal is to tone and add muscle, not get ripped or musclebound (no offense intended). I would like to focus on upper body and keep the workout to about an hour. Any advice is welcome.


  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I run outside, 5 - 7 miles, three or four times a week. On my non-running days I go to the gym and follow the Strong Lifts 5x5 program and when finished lifting I run 3 miles on the treadmill. Check out the SL 5x5 program - you may find it meets your needs; it has definately helped my running and I have found it to be an enjoyable lifting program. - Doug
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I average 20-30 miles a week. I am strength training 3 days a week. There are a lot of people that will say just strength train but I love the cardio. I am with you I am not wanting to be Mr. Olympia.

  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    StrongLifts is the one I'm using also. I like it because it is simple and efficient. Plus the phone app helps me keep up with where I am in the program. I can do the workout in 30-45 minutes right now, but that is gradually increasing.

    That increases as you reach higher weights because you need more warm up and need to rest the recommended 3 minutes in between sets. I think it would take about 80 minutes were doing three warm up sets with 1.5 minute rest in between and then 5 sets with 3 minutes of rest in between.
  • Funston0017
    A little bit of everything for everyone and every goal.
    Or for crossfit style metcons, strength, and oly lifting.
    Just my opinion. Good luck.
  • livetoride2112
    Thanks guys. I'll check the links out.