Fat vs. Saturated Fat

dru_howard Posts: 47
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
If you were going to focus on one or the other, which would it be? Is it just as important to stay under for both of these? How important is this if I'm staying under my calorie, sodium, and sugar and am at or above my fiber? Some days I go over my total allowed fat intake but I'm always at or under saturated fat. I eat avacados and almonds as snacks alot for the other health benefits but they kill me in the total fat category.


  • Jillk1023
    Jillk1023 Posts: 121 Member
    gonna bump this cuz i an running into the same problems.
  • ecreigh2
    ecreigh2 Posts: 14
    *bump*. I would like to know too.
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    I count saturated fat. We need fat and I eat a lot of avocados and olive oils, etc.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I don't track fat. I do track saturated fat.

    Why? I eat a lot of eggs, nuts, fish, lean meat (still has fat), etc. I could care less how much healthy fat I'm eating (within reason, I do want to hit my carb and protein goals too. :smile: ). It's Sat Fat and Trans Fat that will screw me up, so I track the one and make sure I don't buy food with the other.
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