In Elementary school I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. What is it? Your plantar fascia is the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel to your toes. Mine is inflamed.
My complications: When I wake up and put my feet to the floor, making my first step, it feels like I have jumped from a tall building (have you ever jumped off a swing and felt a tingling pain in your feet? Well that's what it feels like). My feet hurt 24/7, even if I lay down all day for a month! When I walk, it hurts and if I walk too long I collapse because the pain starts in my arch, moves to my whole foot, then ankles, then all the way up to my knee!
What I do to help: Foot exercises. If I build up the muscles affiliated with my condition, it will put less tension on my plantar fascia. I use foot insoles specifically made for PF. I also soak my feet in ice water after my walks for at least 20 minutes to reduce swelling and inflammation.

This condition used to prevent me from walking and doing other exercises that would make the pain worse. I cried. Felt like a victim. Blah blah blah!
I say blah blah blah because although PF is serious, there ARE ways to exercise with it!!!
I no longer make excuses, but that doesn't mean I'm not listening to my body. When it starts to hurt, I work through the pain but try to make it home asap. I take rest days for my feet to heal and do what I mentioned above to help it.

If you have PF and haven't been working out because of it, try what I do. I'm sure it'll help :)

PS. Before taking action to help it, I could only walk for 20 minutes until I fall down.
Now I can walk for over 2 hours!!


  • StampingJen
    StampingJen Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats! Keep up the great attitude and workouts!
  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks & I will!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't think I have PF because I get pain around my metatarsal, not the heel. But it sucks when it happens. Great job keeping up on the foot exercises. I rarely do anything good for mine :(
  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    Just read up on that & it said basically do what I do. After exercise, ice your feet then elevate them. Wear insoles. Have rest days! You need to take care of that because if it gets worse you might need surgery... same for me :/
  • heatherisaacs33
    heatherisaacs33 Posts: 12 Member
    I have this and get massaged from my hips down to my feet....i highly recommend this! As a therpist myself, it will do wonders for you!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Just read up on that & it said basically do what I do. After exercise, ice your feet then elevate them. Wear insoles. Have rest days! You need to take care of that because if it gets worse you might need surgery... same for me :/

    :( yeah, it's been better though. I am not great at wearing proper shoes. I notice it's worse toward the end of summer because I am addicted to these jack rogers sandals that are no good.

    My friend told me a great exercise is to have two bowls at your feet while you're sitting down to watch tv. Put marbles in one bowl and pick them out and into the other bowl with your toes. Sounds kinda fun.

  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    Yes. That's one foot exercise I do. Also, while standing, lift your heels up & down. I have soo many foot & leg exercises you can try! Just google them.