now what?

BrokenSpirit Posts: 31
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All, im new to this site, and i wanna loose 100 pounds,,101 actually.
I already am in the process of loosing 175 pounds,( divorce)
Im as low as i ever been( mood wise)
Very depressed, and know what i have to do to cheer up. One of thoses things is to loose 100 pounds and im damn well serious about it, so, if you have a great weiht loss success, or if you have the boot i need to kick me in the butt when i feel to let go this weight goal, add me . I truly need support, as i said, i never felt so depressed in my life, but there is 1 aspect of my life im gonna control, and this is it, so if youre in to loose weight, add me, and lets motivate our self until and even after, we reach our goals!!!


  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    My goal is 100 pounds too ... I'm down 21 since January. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    Hey we can support each other. I am very much trying hard to loose weight.:flowerforyou:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I am so sorry that you are going through this but you have the right attitude. I think setting small mini-goals helped me more than anything. Also just getting rid of one bad habit at a time. First for me was dropping soda, I still do diet occassionally but not much. Then I added some exercise...just walking for 30 minutes on the treadmill. I didn't break any speed records. Now I can run for 20-30 minutes, do intense cardio videos, lift weights, etc. It all took time and took building on from ont thing to another.

    It's a marathon not a race. You didn't put the weight on overnight so don't expect it to come off overnight...take your time and learn how to be healthy and have a healthy relationship with food (I'm still working on that). Friend me if you would like.
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    I've lost 87 pounds - I still have a few to go to make my goal of 95 - that's almost 100. If I can do it, you can too. I hasn't been fast - I started trying to lose weight 16 months ago - but it has been worth it. I am so much stronger - physically and mentally - now. I can do ANYTHING and so can you!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I gained 20 pounds or so when my parents were going through a divorce [February 2010]. The reason for the divorce was that my father was an alcoholic and diabetic...refused to take care of himself and my mother could no longer deal with it. The entire family was depressed and there was nothing we could do to help him. Before the divorce was final, my father passed away [September 2010]. The next couple months I put on 40+ pounds. When my sister got engaged [December 2010], I kicked my butt into gear. I had the doctor put me on some antidepressants, started going to the gym & counting calories. It's amazing what I have accomplished since then! I am down 35 pounds and feeling so much better. Never would I have thought I could accomplish so much in so little time.

    I wanted to give you a little information about myself & then let you decide whether to add me or not =)

    Either way, I wish you the best of luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You've already taken the first step by joining up and recognizing your final goal so congrats on that!

    As someone else above mentioned, set yourself some small goals - could be "I will track everything this week" or "I'll take a 10 minute walk every day". It's up to you to decide where you want to start and what you want to do. Hopefully a healthier diet and exercise and focusing on yourself will get you through these tough times.
  • AmerH
    AmerH Posts: 40 Member
    The very first thing you should do is keep that determined attitude and it will take you far, not just in weight loss but also with rising up from your depression (if you need to talk, you're welcome to add me. Back in '07 I spent a total of 7 days in the hospital for real bad depression). Amanda gave great advice; take one step at a time. Don't expect to change everything all at once. I think the best thing I did was simply keeping unhealthy food out of my house. For me, if it's right there in front of me, most of the time I'll eat it. So maybe do two things a week. Like the first week start drinking more water and get into the habit of eating three meals a day. (Consistently skipping meals is a real detriment to weight loss.)

    You need to find what works for you. Like for me it's better if I weigh myself every day or so because it helps me stay conscious of what I'm doing to lose or gain weight. I get the idea from a lot of the posts here that you're only supposed to weigh yourself once a week. Well, that might be good for most people, but it doesn't work for me -- that how I gained the extra weight I'm losing right now, by not weighing myself and sticking my head in the sand. So it takes a little effort to figure out what will work for you personally. And take it from someone who knows: Eating healthy can help your depression in a huge way. I always feel so much better when I eat healthy the majority of the time. Exercise is another excellent way of combating depression, plus the added benefit of helping you lose those extra pounds.

    Now you go, girl!! You've got a lot of support here if you need it. :laugh:
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I'm very sorry to hear about all the "fun" stuff going on for you right now. If you're looking for some very nice, helpful people to assist you in this journey then you've come to the right place.

    Best advice I can give is start friending people like crazy. Most everyone on here is willing to give an ear, (or a kick to the butt, lol) when it's needed.

    Best of luck to you.

    P.S. - Tell your soon-to-be ex that I'm sorry. After all, he's the one that's missing out, not you :wink:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hi there! I've ben through a divorce too, certainly not easy, but it gets easier with time. Same goes with dieting :)

    I've added you :)
  • thanks to you all, i do feel stronger just reading you!!!! HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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