People with only few kilos to loose?

Hi every one,

I've noticed that a lot of individuals on my fitness pal are tackling bigger amounts of kgs to loose and I find it hard to relate too since we are all at different stages. Any of you that only have 0-10kgs to loose? How are you going with it :)


  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    need to lose 10 is taking forever. I have to watch everything & exercise. don't know if I can do it this year.
  • Alexandriaz33
    How many calories daily are you consuming?
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    I want to lose 10 kg, so far I've lost 2,7 kg. (In 23 days with MFP)

    The thing that really helps me is to watch what and how much I eat and to be conscious of how much food fits into my day to not gain weight.
  • Paulamoloney
    Paulamoloney Posts: 2 Member
    only have up to 5 kilos to lose and don't seem to be getting anywhere but then again i keep giving up too.. its not a good mindset to think 'its only a couple of kilos' as the reality is its a couple too many. only have two people linked who both dont use the app very often
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    Sent you a request, Paula :)
  • eshanig1
    Hi, yeh I've got 8kgs to go. Its mostly in my stomach and hips area and after half-heartedly attempting to loose it through-out this year I'm finally getting serious. I no longer want to be battling on the cusp of healthy or overweight anymore. I'm very determined and if you want feel free to add me. I log on daily! :)
  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    About 3kg to go actually, that I can't seem to lose after having my babies. After playing with my diet and exercise for a year and attempting different approaches, I decided to start logging to be more mindful of calories in vs out. I tried to avoid logging in the past because it's a pain in the you-know-what... but I think I have no choice now. So here I am, 11 days in and 1kg down (after gaining 2 in the past month)
  • northlandmum
    northlandmum Posts: 91 Member
    I have lost 2kg in the last couple of weeks and need to lose between another 5 to 7 kg. I know it's not a large amount but it is the difference between dress sizes and my clothes fitting properly. I only have one other friend who works in kg's so I find it a bit hard to relate to the lb amounts, but it's great having the support of daily logging friends on here.
    I do this every year though, lose a good chunk then over 6 to 9 months it goes back on...I want to work better at the maintenance so I can stop this happening again.
    Feel free to add me ☺
  • The0neWhoKnocks
    The0neWhoKnocks Posts: 27 Member
    I've got 7kg to lose! From 87 to 80kg. But it's slow progress cos I'm trying to gain muscle at the same time so it's tough to track how much I'm actually losing :/
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    hi iv only a few kg to lose and its a real struggle the harder I try the harder they want to shift
  • dawnyod1
    Hi all, first day back after quite a long time off the wagon! I was actually afraid to weigh myself this morning ( Mondays suck enough as it is!) but I reckon I have 8-10kgs to lose. I have tried logging before but never really joined in the community and I hope this time the extra support will be the motivation I need. Good luck everybody x
  • steveyinasia
    steveyinasia Posts: 121 Member
    I wanted to lose around 8-10 KG, in 2 months I am down 7KG. At first it went at 1 or 0.5kg per week easily. It gets harder as I approach the magic number however now I am not focused so much on the weight as I am body fat. MY strength training is packing on the muscle however plenty of room to move on the BF.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Over the course of this year i have lost most of the weight i wanted to lose. I tried a few different things but always come back to my way. I've just had a hiccup on the path, have got sick of calorie counting and returned to basic food logging which tends to work for me too. Its less time consuming but i can still monitor myself and make adjustments without feeling all over the place.

    But as i was saying, i had a hiccup and am now in a phase where i am just eating as much as i need to whilst eating really healthy, especially vegetables, and will wait until i feel like cutting back some more. When you eat really healthy, you can easily eat less so long as the food is yummy and not boring old steamed veg and skinless chicken breast type meals.

    I find when my mood is really strong and i'm feeling motivated, this is the time to try hard to cut back the calories/food. But i don't think cutting back severely is necessary unless you want to try something like 5:2 fasting. If so check out the fast diet website. Read the faq and the how. I did the 5:2 diet for a while but i've just got sick of calorie restriction and stopped when i was in a low mood. Even so i still think aiming for a pound or less per week to lose is best.

    But i did find doing the fasting a good thing for a while and will probably do it again.

    As regards i don't do it because I can't keep it up for the most part. That said, i don't really move enough. I do like wearing a pedometer and i've just started tennis which has the important social aspect which makes exercise more motivating for me.

    Don't snack. Eat decent meals of mostly fruit and vegetables but keep your protein up along with all other nutrition. Don't cut out fats but choose healthy ones. I find olive oil to be one of my favourite ingredients. I use it in almost everything. It makes vegetables taste good all the time. Avoid sugar. Minimise white bread, rice and pasta but i don't think its necessary to cut them out completely. (having done low carb for 6 weeks). Instead, do try to find other slow digesting carbs and eat more of them e.g. beans, lentils and chickpeas. A bit more effort is required with food preparation but its so worth it.
  • healthylifelou
    healthylifelou Posts: 4
    edited October 2014
    Hearing you loud and clear - I have 3kg to go. Lost weight but I'm starting to put it on again. Losing it before it becomes a problem
  • Alexandriaz33
    dawnyod1 wrote: »
    Hi all, first day back after quite a long time off the wagon! I was actually afraid to weigh myself this morning ( Mondays suck enough as it is!) but I reckon I have 8-10kgs to lose. I have tried logging before but never really joined in the community and I hope this time the extra support will be the motivation I need. Good luck everybody x

    I've been on myfitness pal a few times before as well and this time round I've joined the community and read a lot of forums and trust me it had helped sooo much! Good luck x
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I've got about 10kg to lose and I'm in no rush to get there. I only had 5kg to lose when I started mfp nearly 4 years ago, but I lost fast and became anaemic in the process. Plus, a calorie deficit is stressful and I have enough stress already!
  • kagekone
    kagekone Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all:)

    Ideally I would like to lose the 2-3 kg I have put on during summer (I blame alcohol), but most of all I just want to be back on a healthy diet and get moving/tone up (was back at the gym yesterday for the first time in a month...almost threw up). My problem areas are my arms and legs/cankles.

    I am not new to this site, but I have not logged in for a long time. I always end up getting tired of counting calories, but I think that mfp is great for motivation and this time I will try to be active in the community.

    Feel free to add me!
  • GreenEyedTrailMonster
    10 kilograms here!! Just started yesterday :) Happy to be added B) Generally haven't been sociable before but thought I might try the sociable approach!!
  • daisyduke40
    daisyduke40 Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning same here only 10 kilos to lose and can't get there. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong but its not coming off. Becoming discouraged and I really don't wan to give up.
  • SnoopCalib
    SnoopCalib Posts: 12 Member
    edited October 2014
    This is my third time logging and tracking... hopefully this does the trick! i found that when i dedicate time in the morning to pump in what i will be eating for the day ... i usually follow the plan... the goal is to get my eating habits back to "good ones" by the end of the month... then supercharge my weight loss with daily (5 times/week) trips to the gym!
    Wish me luck!