need supportive words

i know its silly but i gained 1.4 pounds on the scale, ive been eating 1200 -1400 calories and i know its probably water blah blah, it still annoys the crap out of me. i know i shouldn't weight my self so often but seeing the scale go down is the only thing that motivates me. ive never lost a bunch of weight before just a couple pounds here and there and 25 is looking impossible to me today. just having a bum morning. :(


  • Hey there,

    1.4 pounds is nothing! I put that on just by drinking my tea everyday :smile: Every half pound lost, gets you closer to that 25. Also, do you keep a record of your measurements? I find that really helps me as that is a clear NSV. Weight is just one way of knowing how you are going (and not a great one at that!). Do yourself a favour, be kind to yourself and know that you are working hard, eating well (do you need to up your calories a tiny bit?) and it WILL happen.

    Focus on the other things - how you feel, your moods, compliments from others, firmness of your muscles, how clothes fit, how healthy your skin is etc...weight is a small and a cruel way to analyse your progress.

    Good luck!
  • Jenniwren83
    Jenniwren83 Posts: 19 Member
    edited October 2014
    I came just to say what Lily said above. I find body measurements are more helpful because sometimes you'll lose inches but not lose weight and they give you an actual figure that tells you how much your body shape has changed. Keep at it, I know it's disheartening but if you keep it up you WILL get there! You can do it!!! YAY! Go you! :wink:
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Keep it up! As you said, probably water weight. I've never lost as much as this time myself. I used to lose 10lb or so and then gain back 20lb. So I know how discouraging it can be to see it go back up, even if it's a false gain.

    You are doing it right, so pay that scale no attention. Small set back are nothing. Just keep at it, will come back down (and then some!)
  • You are doing awesome! 1.4 pounds could be as little as a glass of water you just drank! I just finished a cleanse, and one day I was down four pounds, the next up 5. Your body is constantly fluctuating. Like the ladies above me said, measurements really make a difference and help you see that all your hard work is paying off. :)
  • Hi, Don't get too dependent on weighing yourself all the time. Our bodies are like the stock market: they go up and down in weight everyday just as the DowJones does. If you weigh in once a week at the same time each week, you will see the overall benefit of your diet and excercise. You will feel better about yourself and know that you are doing the best things you can for your body. You put the weight on slowly. It will come off the same way. Keep up the good work!
  • Going through the same exact thing! Seems like the days I do well & stay under my calorie intake are the days I "gain" that water weight. SO annoying!! Keep your head up & keep going! I agree with taking your measurements as a way to stay motivated. Most days, the measurments are what keep me going!! :smile:
  • Beploveshomer
    Beploveshomer Posts: 283 Member
    I just got on here to write basically the same post as you! I steadily lost 6-7 pounds and the past 3 days I have gone up over a pound and stayed there, even though I've been staying at my cals and exercising. I do know I ate a ton of salt.
    This is where I would've given up in the past honestly. The scale is an evil beast. We should take a break from it, but I can't seem to stop myself from getting on.
    I'm going to read all the positive responses on this subject that I can and I am not giving up!
    Stay with it, you're not alone!
  • 23kat23
    23kat23 Posts: 62 Member
    Yes it is probably just water weight so don't worry about it! Weight can fluctuate every day, even throughout the day. Try and focus on how you feel instead of the numbers! You are doing awesome, keep going! :)
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    thanks everyone for your reply's trying to stay positive guess its just one of those days.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Just make yourself twice as determined to keep up with your deficit and work out properly. ITs natural and it happens, so prepare yourself for the next time. If you wnat to play the weigh yourself daily game then try and remove some of the inconsitencies, si uts at the same time and same set of circs as the day before.

    Get a bit more worried if you find yourself 200lb heavier or have a spare battery.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member

    No sure where I found this but I read it whenever I feel like giving up. :smile:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    we all have those days. Put on your favorite outfit and strut every where today.
  • Brischu is right about water. A gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs which means that just one cup of water weighs a whole half-pound. Maybe try cutting your sodium intake down a bit more because it can cause your body to hold in more water.
  • jacquib234
    jacquib234 Posts: 17 Member
    When this happens to me I try to think, "hey that's life". Up and down. I've come to the conclusion that providing the overall trend of my weight ISN'T going up then the occasional small gain is to be expected - not worried over. As others have said a small gain is usually followed by a loss so you have something to look forward too. Keep on, keeping on and I'm sure you'll do okay.
  • Lian98
    Lian98 Posts: 275 Member
    You are already going in the right direction, so just keep up the awesome work! You know you are an inspiration to the people around you and in a couple months you won't even remember that little blip. I send you hugs over the inter-webs and hope you feel like champion again soon!