Seeking an answer from a big girl - Bat Wing Arms

So everyday i'm working out at the gym, chilling on the treadmill watching Oprah. As we all know, she had battled with weight loss her whole life. And for some reason, no trainer can seem to get rid of the flab on her arms. So now that I have started my weight loss/life change journey, i'm wondering even if you do all the arm exercises recommended how do you know if your flab will shrink off. I would just like to hear from anyone who has a positive experience with toning their arms along with the under arm flab!!! I know as you get older it is harder for the weight to come off and although I look and feel 25, my real age is not lol.


  • krystleRD
    krystleRD Posts: 188 Member
    Girl i call mine BAT wings.. Flappers , cya laters lol.. I dislike my arms lol... Thats what Im afraid of as well, I feel like I will do all this work start to look good but their it is ( FLAB) just staring me in my face.. I have noticed since i started tae-bo and doing weights i see some difference in my arms.. When you find an answer please share..
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I hate the bingo wings! I'd also love to know if losing the weight and lifting some irowill help get rid of them. Thanks!
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    Gotta do the weights! I've only done weights a few times over the last couple of weeks and I can already tell a difference. Hire a personal trainer for one session and have them show you what you need to do to tighten it up. It will be worth it!
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Gotta do the weights! I've only done weights a few times over the last couple of weeks and I can already tell a difference. Hire a personal trainer for one session and have them show you what you need to do to tighten it up. It will be worth it!

    thank you kitkat. I looked at my turbo jam strength training dvd and I think I am going to start doing that 3 times a week. I do understand what you are saying about a trainer but I have also googled and you tubed a million videos showing different exercises so I just need to start doing them.....
  • jdg1mfp
    jdg1mfp Posts: 103
    Technically I'm not a big girl so I guess I shouldn't answer..........but:

    It really depends on two things
    1. The rate of weight loss
    2. Your age

    If you lose weight at a rapid pace, you skin may not be able to keep pace. I've seen this a lot with people who undergo Gastric bypass surgery. I's hit or miss on whether there skin has the elasticity to rebound.

    As well all know (especially me), things don't work like they used to when you get older, at least not as efficiently. This too can effect whether your skin can adapt to the change.

    It's like that balloon you blow up and then let the air back out. It never goes back to its original size.

    All is not lost though, my suggestion is doing weight/strength training. This will substitute the fat volume with leaner muscle.
    I know some women are opposed to weight training because it makes them think that they may look manly. I go to the gym where a lot of women train harder than I do and I would not consider any of them looking manly.

    To some it up, replace the fat with lean muscle. Chances are that we all are here looking for a reduction in fat but what if we kept a little bit of size in lean muscle. I think it would still be a WIN.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
  • Djbass728
    Djbass728 Posts: 71 Member
    Jamie, I am 47 and it is also part of being a certain age - I have never been more than 20 pounds overweight but I have the bat flaps from
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Technically I'm not a big girl so I guess I shouldn't answer..........but:

    It really depends on two things
    1. The rate of weight loss
    2. Your age

    If you lose weight at a rapid pace, you skin may not be able to keep pace. I've seen this a lot with people who undergo Gastric bypass surgery. I's hit or miss on whether there skin has the elasticity to rebound.

    As well all know (especially me), things don't work like they used to when you get older, at least not as efficiently. This too can effect whether your skin can adapt to the change.

    It's like that balloon you blow up and then let the air back out. It never goes back to its original size.

    All is not lost though, my suggestion is doing weight/strength training. This will substitute the fat volume with leaner muscle.
    I know some women are opposed to weight training because it makes them think that they may look manly. I go to the gym where a lot of women train harder than I do and I would not consider any of them looking manly.

    To some it up, replace the fat with lean muscle. Chances are that we all are here looking for a reduction in fat but what if we kept a little bit of size in lean muscle. I think it would still be a WIN.

    Sounds like a plan to me!!!

    I have no problem with lifting weights because the ones I have are 2 pds and 5 pds and even with the 2 my arms be BURNING!!! but i'm sure as time goes on I may want to move to the 5 pds
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I don't know how effective this is but I've heard good things about the Shake Weight!
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Weights, weights, weights! I am a former bat wing girl myself. They are still there but have gone down.
    Make sure when lifting wiehgts you're working your triceps and shoulders as well as your biceps.
    And if you do lose weight faster than your elasticity responds, give it some time. Mine rebounded more after a while.
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Weights, weights, weights! I am a former bat wing girl myself. They are still there but have gone down.
    Make sure when lifting wiehgts you're working your triceps and shoulders as well as your biceps.
    And if you do lose weight faster than your elasticity responds, give it some time. Mine rebounded more after a while.

    Thank you for the information! I will be starting my arm excerises today, 3 times a week!!!
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Although I have them, and hate them, I welcome them.
    Having skin hanging low is way better then being fat.
    I do a lot of heavy weight training but the only thing that will rid me of them is surgery.