New HRM is depressing me



  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I had the same disappointment. Was sooo excited to get my Polar FT4, and after the first week, was so bummed at the lower calories burned. I've used my HRM for Zumba, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Slim in Six Burn it Up, treadmill, roller blading, and running outside. I have to adjust the number that MFP gives me when I log it to a much lower #. BUT, I am very glad to know my actual burn and it's a pretty cool gadget!

    Use it a couple of times and you'll be able to tell if you're getting an acurate reading or not. Make sure you wet down the pads on the belt - I forgot to do this a couple times and saw a much different reading.

    Best of luck on your journey. :)

    I dont know if you came across my forum a while ago but I was haVing trouble with my polar bc I wasnt washing it correctly. Make sure you are washing it after each session and once a week you are suppose to wash it in the washing machine but DO NOT PUT IT IN THE DRYER,

    hold up... I looked at them and all I saw was watch style... How do I go about looking up something like you are describing?

    Wait I am confused. Waht do you mean? How to find the right hrm where you enter your information? Is that waht you mean...
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I had the same disappointment. Was sooo excited to get my Polar FT4, and after the first week, was so bummed at the lower calories burned. I've used my HRM for Zumba, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Slim in Six Burn it Up, treadmill, roller blading, and running outside. I have to adjust the number that MFP gives me when I log it to a much lower #. BUT, I am very glad to know my actual burn and it's a pretty cool gadget!

    Use it a couple of times and you'll be able to tell if you're getting an acurate reading or not. Make sure you wet down the pads on the belt - I forgot to do this a couple times and saw a much different reading.

    Best of luck on your journey. :)

    I dont know if you came across my forum a while ago but I was haVing trouble with my polar bc I wasnt washing it correctly. Make sure you are washing it after each session and once a week you are suppose to wash it in the washing machine but DO NOT PUT IT IN THE DRYER,

    hold up... I looked at them and all I saw was watch style... How do I go about looking up something like you are describing?

    Wait I am confused. Waht do you mean? How to find the right hrm where you enter your information? Is that waht you mean...

    No, I mean A HRM period. I do a google search for the one you all are mentioning, and it comes up as a watch type. Says nothing about straps, so I am at a loss for finding one to purchase.
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    I had the same disappointment. Was sooo excited to get my Polar FT4, and after the first week, was so bummed at the lower calories burned. I've used my HRM for Zumba, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Slim in Six Burn it Up, treadmill, roller blading, and running outside. I have to adjust the number that MFP gives me when I log it to a much lower #. BUT, I am very glad to know my actual burn and it's a pretty cool gadget!

    Use it a couple of times and you'll be able to tell if you're getting an acurate reading or not. Make sure you wet down the pads on the belt - I forgot to do this a couple times and saw a much different reading.

    Best of luck on your journey. :)

    I dont know if you came across my forum a while ago but I was haVing trouble with my polar bc I wasnt washing it correctly. Make sure you are washing it after each session and once a week you are suppose to wash it in the washing machine but DO NOT PUT IT IN THE DRYER,

    Yup, I rinse it out after each workout and it goes in the wash a probably twice a week. But before a workout, the electrodes on the belt are supposed to be wet down for a proper reading. I really love my HRM!! :)

    You guys are giving so much great information, I love this I am getting a FT4 tomorrow, when you say to wet down the electrodes is that so they will stick to your body or the belt?? Also, where is your strap located on your body? is there a certain area to put it for the best results. I have a large chest and i'm wondering if it goes onto of the chest or below the breast like stomach area.
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    I wouldnt trust the machines at all!

    Plus exercise bike is usually a pretty low cal burn. Doing an hour of it I barely get to 300 some times and Im going hard!
    Running ill burn 500-600 an hour though

    the HRM knows your age, height and such. And your fitness level. The exercise bike doesnt really know xD

    So true thats why I stopped doing Spin Class!! I would look at my HRM and it would be only like 430! It would infurate me bc I could loose so many more doing my own cardio or workout!

    Riding a road bike outdoors especially on hilly terrain will burn much more than a stationary bike. One there is no excertion needed to balance the exercise bike. Two, you are always pedaling on level ground, and three, you can pedal at speeds you cannot on an exercise bike. HRM is proof of that.
  • nikkijedlo
    nikkijedlo Posts: 30 Member
    I had the same disappointment. Was sooo excited to get my Polar FT4, and after the first week, was so bummed at the lower calories burned. I've used my HRM for Zumba, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Slim in Six Burn it Up, treadmill, roller blading, and running outside. I have to adjust the number that MFP gives me when I log it to a much lower #. BUT, I am very glad to know my actual burn and it's a pretty cool gadget!

    Use it a couple of times and you'll be able to tell if you're getting an acurate reading or not. Make sure you wet down the pads on the belt - I forgot to do this a couple times and saw a much different reading.

    Best of luck on your journey. :)

    I dont know if you came across my forum a while ago but I was haVing trouble with my polar bc I wasnt washing it correctly. Make sure you are washing it after each session and once a week you are suppose to wash it in the washing machine but DO NOT PUT IT IN THE DRYER,

    hold up... I looked at them and all I saw was watch style... How do I go about looking up something like you are describing?

    Wait I am confused. Waht do you mean? How to find the right hrm where you enter your information? Is that waht you mean...

    No, I mean A HRM period. I do a google search for the one you all are mentioning, and it comes up as a watch type. Says nothing about straps, so I am at a loss for finding one to purchase.

    I have the Polar FT4. I got mine from Amazon. It has a chest strap which I wear right under my breasts (usually under my sports bra) to which the transmitter snaps on. There are 2 electrodes on the chest strap. According to the instructions, you're supposed to wet these electrodes to ensure a proper heart rate display. The info from the transmitter is "sent" to a watch that I wear on my wrist. On the watch, I entered my age, sex, height, and weight. When I start my workout, I can monitor my heart rate, if I'm "in the zone", calories burned, time of day, and duration of the workout.

    I did a lot of research before buying and am 100% happy with this one.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I had the same disappointment. Was sooo excited to get my Polar FT4, and after the first week, was so bummed at the lower calories burned. I've used my HRM for Zumba, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Slim in Six Burn it Up, treadmill, roller blading, and running outside. I have to adjust the number that MFP gives me when I log it to a much lower #. BUT, I am very glad to know my actual burn and it's a pretty cool gadget!

    Use it a couple of times and you'll be able to tell if you're getting an acurate reading or not. Make sure you wet down the pads on the belt - I forgot to do this a couple times and saw a much different reading.

    Best of luck on your journey. :)

    I dont know if you came across my forum a while ago but I was haVing trouble with my polar bc I wasnt washing it correctly. Make sure you are washing it after each session and once a week you are suppose to wash it in the washing machine but DO NOT PUT IT IN THE DRYER,

    Yup, I rinse it out after each workout and it goes in the wash a probably twice a week. But before a workout, the electrodes on the belt are supposed to be wet down for a proper reading. I really love my HRM!! :)

    You guys are giving so much great information, I love this I am getting a FT4 tomorrow, when you say to wet down the electrodes is that so they will stick to your body or the belt?? Also, where is your strap located on your body? is there a certain area to put it for the best results. I have a large chest and i'm wondering if it goes onto of the chest or below the breast like stomach area.

    You wet the strap. You will see when you look at at where the water is suppose to go. Make sure it is really wet. If it dries up and your not sweating it might stop picking up your heart rate so keep it moist by doing a good workout. It is placed under your boobies and should be a bit to the left since your heart is more on the lft side of the body,
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Re: the OP: Funny, the stationary bikes in our gym actually give a calorie total that's quite a bit less than what my HRM tells me! And exertion doesn't necessary = more calorie burn. I worked way harder on the bike today than I usually do but my total calorie burn was a bit less - go figure!

    Re: the watch HRM question - usually all you see in the listings for Polar HRMs on Amazon, or even the Polar website is the watch receiver but I believe all Polar HRMs come with a chest strap.

    I LOVE my FT4 - just got it last week and it's so cool! It even had a little b-day cake symbol on the screen on my birthday! :bigsmile:
    P.S. As said above, be sure to follow the directions in the users manual for proper use and care!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    It even had a little b-day cake symbol on the screen on my birthday! :bigsmile:

    Ha, I saw that too on mine 2 weeks ago. That was really cute lol