Help - need to get motivated

Ok - so this is day 1 so I must have some motivation after all just to be here, Right? It's easy for me to sit here and talk about it but another thing is getting going. I have spent the last 4/5 hours reading various recipes and healthy food options so now i need to knuckle down and start! Most people think living on a yacht is glamorous and the lifestyle must be healthy? I have trouble getting off the yacht - my self esteem is at an all time low and feel very conscious of my overweight body in my now tight clothing. My biggest aim for today is to get off the yacht and go for a walk....... Anyone out there want to cheer me on please?


  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    The first step is the hardest and most important. You can do it!
  • gaelowyn_pt_duex
    gaelowyn_pt_duex Posts: 135 Member
    baby steps. tackle only 1 or 2 different things at a time if needed. Get a pedometer/activity tracker, it's very motivating to me to see those steps add up! WHen i forget mine, it's like i'm lost. It's like "if a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear, does it make a sound?"... If I walked a lot without my fitbit to track it, it's like it never happened! :) good luck to you! One step at a time!~
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    My initial advice to someone just starting to use MFP is also to take babysteps. Also, keep in mind that exercise is great but you can't outwalk a bad diet. Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise.

    Logging everything you eat and drink is step one. Once you get used to the act of logging everything, take a good look at the things you've logged and find where you can make some simple changes that will make a big impact. 250 calories in that 20 ounce Coca Cola every day, twice a day? Replace that with a glass of unsweetened iced tea with lemon. A Snickers bar every day at 2:00pm? Replace that with a 50 calorie apple. You get the idea.

    Try to add one new habit or change every week and it'll be a lot easier to maintain than to starting walking 2 miles and trying to eat 1200 calories every day, cut out all sugar, eat "clean" (whatever that is), drink a gallon of water, etc. and everything else you'll get told to do all at once. Trying to make lots of changes at once will only result in you becoming overwhelmed and frustrated.

    Most of all, try to make the changes something you can stick with for the rest of your life. Good luck on your journey!
  • Thank you for your support.
    Yesterday was my first day and I was ok until late on the night when the cravings set in and i gave in! Very bad I know...... I have promised myself to start buying healthier and less fattening food during my next shop. It doesn't help when my partner brings chocolate donuts home!
    I did manage a 45 minute walk yesterday though and my knee is improving daily, just don't want to overdo things and be left unable to do nothing again.
    I was ok with the drinking more water part and think I will get there with food habits although I am breaking a 50 year cycle.
    Today i have been talking myself into going for another walk but not got 'out there' yet! Right I am going to go now...... your messages have made a difference.
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    "Just keep swimming!" Or rather, just keep walking. Just put one foot in front of the other and go do it! It will probably be a little difficult at first, but keep at it and it will become easier and easier to do. And take those baby steps. No one is expecting a complete lifestyle change overnight. This journey towards a healthy life is a marathon, not sprint. Commit to it and you will one day get there!