Hello :)

caitbeazy Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
So where to start....I'm new to MFP but definitely NOT new to dieting.
I've struggled with eating disorders for the past 8 years of my life, starting at the age of 13 due to a traumatic experience.
I turned 21 last month and my gift to myself was recovery....so this is my recovery. I've tried recovery so many times and failed because I wasn't ready...or I would tell myself to eat and then gain weight (causing me to freak out and triggering me back into the ED).

I guess what I really want is to reach my goal weight in a healthy way. I haven't been to the gym in a month because I'm trying to take things one step at a time...(when you have lost 40+ pounds from overexcercising and starving yourself, you fear that anything could trigger you back). I want my life and happiness back. I gave too many years to this monster.

My only problem is that I honestly lack support. I am at a normal weight so thankfully, very few people know about my ED. The only problem is that this is almost impossible to fight without support.

I hope that with time, things will get easier. I know my diet diary isn't always on point or perfect but i'm taking this one step at a time.

Thank you to all who read this and may God bless you. <3


  • My heart reaches out to you, and I am happy for you because you'd like to change for the better. I will give you all the support you need. I'll be happy if you add me as a friend. Everyone needs someone to lean on.

  • thank you so much...i really appreciate it :)
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