my story so far

Hello my name is Theo,
I was diagnosed with T2 in 2005, was on metformin and then i suffered with gastric issues for 7 years until we found out it was the metformin.
I was then put on Januvia and glipizide as well a 91 units of Lantus a night plus humalog before meals.
i was 335# 5'8" tall on august 15 and then I started a Doctor supervised VLCD diet (new direction) on 9/2/2014 with in a week, I was off the Humalog & the Lantus as my fasting blood sugar went down to 60-70.
Now a week later my bs was 90, so we stopped the Glipizide and I am still on the Januvia.
I have lost 45 lbs of my 170 that I want to lose. It has been a struggle to drink my meals, but I am committed to doing so.

Has anyone been on the new direction diet? if you what are your experiences?

I am thrilled that my diabetes is under control and that i am off the shots.

It is football season and my don't all of those food commercials look good? :)

I believe carbs are my biggest love and my biggest detriment.

I invite your replies,



  • C5North
    C5North Posts: 50 Member
    Great progress so far. Way to go! You've gone this far so there is no reason to stop now.

    Oh, the food commercials you mentioned... An interesting thing is happening to me, many of those commercials are borderline making me physically ill to even watch. The stuff looks gross to me. And this is stuff I would have killed for just a few months ago.
  • taivazian
    some stuff yes! some commercials of the food i see, would never eat them but now it's like hmmmm.!
  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    I'm just getting started with New Directions. Day one! Feel free to add me as a friend.