Getting Abs help

I am 150 pounds, 147 on a light day, and i have been trying to get my abs to show but am getting discouraged because i like to eat sugary foods. I am 5' 10" and ride my bike a lot, so i am not worried about gaining excess weight. I am although wanting to get my abs to show, should i just give up on that idea and keep enjoying the food or should i try and gain muscle in my stomach to have them show? I don't know what to do! i got tested and my body fat is 7.9%

Any advice on getting abs to show? Urg, there is just so many questions. why is it so damn hard.


  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Sit ups, crunches, leg lifts?? I would say more cardio to reduce the fat in the tummy region but your BF% speaks for itself! :)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    They typically show up when you're around 10% fat or under. Do you do ANY strength training? You don't need to work out abs hard per se, but for all the cardio you get, it's important to also do some strength training and get sufficient protein in your diet to avoid burning muscle.
  • jdg1mfp
    jdg1mfp Posts: 103
    The only way to get abs to show is to reduce body fat.
    And yes you more than likely will have to give up your surgery foods (actually certain about that).
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    If your bodyfat is under %8 the issue is not getting slimmer but developing more ab muscles.

    What do you do currently to strengthen them?
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Maybe some ab work would help give some definition, but for the most part only diet can give you abs. I say some because if you strengthen them it may help for them to stick out a little more.

    Sorry to say, but with that low of a BF, you may be stuck not having abs without starving yourself to drop it even more.
  • mattyh21
    mattyh21 Posts: 14 Member
    My strength training includes:
    -sit ups
    -leg lifts
    -side to side crunches
    -bicycle crunches
    and other random exercises that target the abs.

    Any other suggestions?
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    Okay, when you say that you want abs, what do you mean? I am starting to develop a suspicion that you do have abs, but that you want them to be more prominent?
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    getting your abs is 80% diet...the other part is doing adequate Cardio and lifting.

    ab ripper x is an amazing ab work out...i do it 3x a week in addition to my regular schedule of running, lifting, and yoga
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Genetics play a big part as well. Add some weights to your crunches

    Weighted crunches, hanging less raises you can even try the ab wheel
  • inchik
    inchik Posts: 35 Member
    how about some planks? work well for the entire core.
  • starboardzor
    I'm doing a pretty good job getting mine to show through and you know what? I still eat sugary foods. I just eat less of them and I work them into my allotted calories. I eat at least one or two sugary treats a day. I'm not giving up the things I love. Honestly I think eating less calories and fat overall has really helped me the most.
  • mattyh21
    mattyh21 Posts: 14 Member
    Okay, when you say that you want abs, what do you mean? I am starting to develop a suspicion that you do have abs, but that you want them to be more prominent?

    Hahaha, well i have the top two if i flex. but i want to be able to see the whole six and wanted general help with getting past the just regular two which i have been stuck at for quite some time now.
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    I love working my abs but down on the line crunchs and the others wasn't cuting it any more so I fount some ab rutines with weights and some hardcore abs with out and I sware abs with weights is tbe best
  • starboardzor
    getting your abs is 80% diet...the other part is doing adequate Cardio and lifting.

    ab ripper x is an amazing ab work out...i do it 3x a week in addition to my regular schedule of running, lifting, and yoga

    YUP! After maybe 5 months of ab ripper X, I can finally ALMOST do all the moves!! Those side crunches, man, I'm still working on getting straight legs but at least I can do the move. Fifer scissors? Finally not a problem. You know it's a good work out if it takes months to even be able to do the whole darn thing.