
Hi, I am new here and I am scheduled to have VSG surgery on 11/3 a little over two more weeks! Can anyone tell me what they feel would be the hardest part of the recovery process? How long would you say it was before you could get around easily? I am having my surgery on a Monday, I won't get out of the hospital until Wednesday and I was hoping to be able to go back to class on Thursday (1 hr lecture) is that possible or am I delusional? Thank you In advance☺️


  • Hi ElodeMason:
    I can't tell if you are a guy or a girl ... but my story. I do web design. At a desk all day long. I was in the hospital from July 9th through the 11th and then went to my dad's house. I purposefully picked a date in the middle of the week so I could tack on the weekend for recovery. Well, long story short, I felt great and was back at work after 5 business days (plus weekend). Sitting at a desk or within a lecture room you should be fine. However, my doc said to not carry anything more than 10 pounds.

    So ... are you carrying a laptop bag? A heavy book bag? Will you have to walk more than 50 feet from the parking garage? I would tell your prof that you are having surgery and ask a classmate to record the lecture. You should be fine by the NEXT week ... but I doubt you will feel like you have enough energy to go anywhere the day after you get out of the hospital.
    Hope this helps,