Fat middle aged woman never liked to exercise,loves food. Looking for similar to support each other

ruralife Posts: 28 Member
Time to seriously put me and my needs first. Family is grown, nest is empty, and if I don't get my act together and start looking after myself I won't be healthy enough to care for my grandchildren once they start arriving. Never been one to exercise, love food, love to eat, and seriously over weight - not just looking to loose a few pounds to flatten my tummy, but looking to lose a large portion of my total body weight. Looking for ladies of similar circumstance so we can encourage each other, share meal ideas, coping strategies, etc. My hubby is a picky eater and really doesn't help when I am trying to health more healthily either.


  • I am 43 and having been fighting this weight fight for 20 years. Right now I am low carb. Nice to meet you.
  • ruralife
    ruralife Posts: 28 Member
    Why did you choose low carb? Do you change the setting on the food diary to accommodate low carb, or do you just go with their preset amounts? That's all I have been doing. Wish they would separate out the fats - that's what I have to watch the most.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm 48, almost 49. Up until 3 years ago I HATED all things exercise and healthy. Making the change isn't always easy, but over time, its fun and worth it!
    50. Welcome to the new you!
  • bert45071
    bert45071 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 30 and I have a chocolate addiction.Oh,and pop.OMG,I love pop!I am trying to cut back and drop some pounds.So far,so good.I wish you lots of luck!
  • monicapevans
    monicapevans Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 48. You just described me.. :smile: add me :)
  • stonegirldancing42
    stonegirldancing42 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm not middle aged yet, but loved the title. Not a fan of those things, either! :) Baby steps are always best IMHO and best of luck to you.
  • bhinoj
    bhinoj Posts: 24 Member
    I do not exercise yet and am doing low carb. I will exercise more if I stop losing weight. I do wear a pedometer and try to walk at least 6K step or more a day. Add me if you'd like.
  • heyjude345
    heyjude345 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 46 and have lost 100 pounds to date. I don't believe in restricting any one category of food, so you won't find me doing low carb, etc. I try to eat as many "clean" foods as possible, but am slightly addicted to McDonald's Grilled Chicken Southwest salads with Italian dressing. I have started running this last January and now run 3-4 days a week for at least a 5K each time out. So, yes...it can be done. But, it is important to take it slowly and to keep from getting overwhelmed by the enormity of the road ahead. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Junebugsc
    Junebugsc Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'm 46 and have about 140 lbs to go!! I didn't like to exercise either but this summer I fell in love with bike riding.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Feel free to add me if you would like... I am 45 recently widowed with a lot of weight left to lose still. Looking for new friends to motivate and be motivated by... WE can do this...
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    I joined MFP 2yrs ago, at age 50, weighing 232lbs. I now weigh 176 (still have about 20-40lbs to go). I didn't go lo carb, paleo, clean, vegan, vegetarian, didn't cut sugar, dairy, fat, chocolate, coffee. I merely eat less than I used to and more more. I also live in a rural area, but that doesn't stop me from being active. A pair of walking shoes is all it takes. I now walk, run, bike and do strength training.

  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I'm 40. Two of my kids have moved out, and I have a 12 month old grand-child. I've lost 55lbs this year eating low carb and only doing incidental exercise like lawn mowing and horse riding.

    There are a whole bucketload of people on here who will tell you it's as simple as "eat less, do more".

    I will tell you I spent 20 years trying to do just that. Eating the traditional low fat, generous carb diet we're told to eat. I could never stick to it for long. Longest I think was 3 months before I cracked and ate all the weight back on. Eating that way I obsessed about food. I was always hungry. I was always a hair away from a binge. I gained a total of 30kg over that 20 years so it clearly doesn't work for some people.

    It's my choice now to eat very low carb. Before you all jump on me I'm not saying YOU have to do it, you can eat your way thin with cookies and McDonalds if you like. Good luck with that.

    By very low carb I mean 20g or less a day, eating mainly meat, eggs, butter, avocado, vegetables (only low carb high fibre ones like broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, asparagus, zuchinni etc), cream cheese, cream (no milk, no fruit). I don't miss carby foods. I'm not even tempted by them. Sugar no longer calls to me. I'm never hungry. I don't constantly feel like I'm "on the brink of falling off the wagon". In fact I haven't had a "cheat day" in 5 months.

    Aside from the weight loss (and I do look brilliant), my joints don't hurt anymore, food doesn't control me, I'm no longer bloated, my blood work is perfect, no heartburn or headaches (these changes occurred as soon as I changed my diet, not after I lost the weight).

    I never thought, after 20 years of failing and being miserable that I would EVER lose weight. In my heart I knew I would always be fat, I'd probably die early, I wasn't strong enough to control what I ate.

    If there was one message I could get accross to people it's that yes, eat less and do more works, but concede that it doesn't work for everyone. Actually changing the way your body processes food (buring fat instead of carbs) can be a great solution to people who just don't have your ability to control the food.

    Anyway ... even if you don't eat low carb, but respect my right to do so, please feel free to add me :)
  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    I'm not a fan of cutting out whole food groups but hey if it works for you then terrific (I'm also not that disciplined). I eat bread, potatoes, rice etc. It’s all about finding what you can stick with and what is long term liveable. I am never ever going to be a gym junkie but I love to walk, I do an hour at lunchtime and then 30 -40 minutes on the way home. Don’t look at how much you have to loose, break it down into manageable chunks, I focus on the first 10 kg, then I’ll focus on the next 10 kg (I need to lose 40 kg). I track everything the night before and pack my lunch and if it’s not in the lunch bag then I am not allowed to eat it. I have a large variety of foods every week and incorporate a new recipe every month so I don’t get bored. We’re coming into summer here (I’m in Australia) and one of my favourite dinners is grilled salmon with capsicum and bok choy with lemon juice (I’m making myself hungry). As for your fussy hubby sorry no advice for that one, I never let any of my partners get away with that, they ate what I cooked or they could damn well cook for themselves.
  • ruralife
    ruralife Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all the support and offers to friend. Today was a tough morning. I had planned all my food last night, and made sure to have lots of healthy snacks, yet I was hungry all morning. Rather than giving up and giving in, I ate a few almonds that weren't in my meal plan, reached out for support on MFP and then had a quick walk at my lunch break. I know that these first days are the toughest - I've done this before and lost 27lbs before stopping due to personal health and family crisis (my mom was terminally ill, and I was her only caregiver), so I know I can do at least that.
    - This time I have reached out to the MFP community for support and ideas and am overwhelmed by how wonderful you all are.
  • ruralife
    ruralife Posts: 28 Member
    What are your weight loss challenges, and how do you managed them?
  • cynthiamm67
    cynthiamm67 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm with you. I'm 47 and have another 100 lbs to lose. I'm doing about 80% paleo. It's working for me, and my stomach issues are much improved. Definitely not loving working out, but I'm paying someone to help me which makes it easier. Feel free to add me.