vacation tips

Hubby and I are a getting a few days off to drive to north Carolina. My FIL and mom are both being looked after by family so we can get a small break. How do you handle vacation and eating healthy?


  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I'm overweight, so I guess take this with a grain of salt .. but I say indulge a little. It's a vacation! Try not to lounge around the whole time though .. Go swimming, hiking, bike riding, etc if you're into it.
  • gbklvr
    gbklvr Posts: 84 Member
    Planning on doing some of that! The past six months have been Huber stressful so honestly I just want to relax and just be. Not eat everything in sight but if we stop and there is something good I want to try it.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    A few days does not have to be a big deal. You could choose to just have anything you want, and do anything you want, and get back to "on plan" when you return.

    If you choose to stay on plan, or to be mindful about your trip, I would say, plan ahead.

    Mindful that this is in complete absence of knowledge of your usual eating habits, here are my suggestions:

    Arm yourself with knowledge of just how many calories and how much fat is in anything available at a drive thru.

    If you can, pack a picnic cooler to take with you that has your usual foods.

    If you go to restaurants, research what they have or plan what you will order, and be mindful of the portions and preparation method.

    What works for me:

    I keep a small cutting board (actually, a bar board) and a sharp knife with me so I can cut vegetables, etc.

    I have spoons with me so I can get/bring yogurt for breakfast while traveling.

    Mostly, I plan ahead. I know what's available where I will be, and have a plan in mind for what I am going to eat, and whether I will choose to stay within my calorie guideline (and whether that guideline will be modified by activity). I actually stayed under my limit for the day the day I went to Ruth's Chris for dinner, despite choosing to have a cocktail and having dessert.

    On the other hand, over a couple of weekends, the choices available have been erratic and unpredictable, so I made the healthiest choices I could with what was there. And if I didn't, I didn't beat myself up about it. I stayed at a hotel with a hospitality room, and enjoyed a (very small) slice of the cake each night.

    You can have it all, just not all at once, and not every day.
  • gbklvr
    gbklvr Posts: 84 Member
    I'm planning on snacks for the drive. Already have those set up. Planning where to eat might be tricky since we usually like trying little restaurants along the way. You meet the most interesting people and I love that. I figure if I have my healthy snacks and not allow myself to get become famished cause when I do all bets are off. Lol! Honestly I am so excited about going away that's all I am thinking of. No sugar readings, no doctor's appointments, no medications to keep on top off for a few days! I get to take off my caregiver hat for a bit.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Can you go back to tracking what you eat when you get back?

    If so, make mindfully aware choices - including mindful indulgence, if you choose - while you are on vacation, and don't worry about it, then get back on track when you get home. I've done that for three or four days several times since I started.

    If you think you will feel like "I blew it, so I might as well give up" then you probably need to be a little more careful.
  • gbklvr
    gbklvr Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, I can. I can track while on vacation since I will
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    just try not to go over on a daily basis...vacation is a vacation...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It's vacation, I tend not to worry about it too much. Nobody became fat because they went a little overboard on a vacation or long weekend or a holiday or birthday or whatever...people get fat when they treat every day as an occasion.

    That said, I still try to make good nutritional decisions. I generally will opt for something off the grill rather than fried and I try to make sure I'm getting my fruits and veg. If I go out for breakfast or something, it's usually a pretty big I'll have a small salad or something for lunch and a good dinner...stuff like that.

    It's vacation...have fun.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    Go, eat, play, have fun.

    I went to Disney last month, had their full dining plan and ate more food that week than I ever would have thought. I gained 1 pound.

    Yes, we walked..A LOT...but still, I have memories of the trip, not of me spending all my time worrying about what to eat or not eat.

    Go and enjoy yourself.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Depending on the length of the trip, I really try not to worry too much and just go have fun. I've put on 4-5 pounds in one long weekend (drinking or seafood or both....) but as long as I get right back "on the horse" when I get back home and don't beat myself up....falls off easily in a week or two. Of course if you take frequent or long vacations, you should probably plan a little better. My current situation only allows for a few weekend getaways a year to visit friends - so I go and enjoy myself.
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    I have to eat gluten free so I have to plan things for vacations as well. Here are some things I do:
    - pack some food that can be made w/ hot water from the coffee pot in the hotel room or eaten in the car ex. individual packets of plain oatmeal, granola bars, almonds, beef jerky (for protein)
    - stop by a grocery store when you get there and pick up some apples, baby carrots and maybe yogurt if you have a mini-fridge in the room. I also get a few cans of soup if the hotel has a microwave I can use. I use the mugs or cups in the room to heat it up.
    - For restaurants, pick the healthiest option, I get plain protein & steamed veggies about anywhere. Grilled fish and steamed veggies or grilled chicken. You have to be sure and say NO BUTTER though because even grilled fish several times has come drowning in butter. But we went all around Europe & never had a problem. Grocery stores are your friend. :)
    - Have a great trip! : )
    - And also, none of that diminished my enjoyment of my travels. I almost feel better sticking to my plan, allowing indulgences when I want or feel like it. But you can control 80% of your food and make it healthy, then splurge when you want and I think the whole trip is more enjoyable with no guilt.
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    My plan for an upcoming trip is to switch MFP from lose X pounds to maintenance, still keeping track of what I eat, but allowing for vacation fun! I also plan to get in fun exercise, kayaking, hiking, etc. but not counting the calories back. I'm hoping that this plan will keep my head in the game, but still allow me to relax and enjoy myself.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Just be conscientious and use moderation. You're on vacation, enjoy it!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I enjoy myself on vacation. I don't track because I'm not eating at chain restaurants so who the heck knows the accurate calories anyway. Just don't use it as an excuse to go crazy and have a 24/7 food party. Also I like to try and be active. We usually do a lot of walking on vacation and if you can get in some other physical activities that's great.