Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30

I have started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. How do you all calculate calories burned on this? I still consider myself a beginner even though I have been exercising for awhile now. I am a person who has NEVER been fit, so I feel it has been really slow and difficult to make progress. That being said, this workout is pretty hard for me, getting my heart rate up pretty high (and making me sweat my butt off). Would this affect how many calories I burn?


  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi there! I've done this workout many times, wearing a heart rate monitor, and depending on the size of the weights, level, and intensity, I burn between 150 and 250 calories. I'm 5'5", 132 lbs. You can compare the MFP suggested calories of circuit training (with your own vital stats) with other free fitness apps, like Daily Burn Tracker. If in doubt, just take the lower number for your records.
    You can create your own exercise in the cardio section of MFP and just name it '30 day shred', this way you have it separate from everything else to monitor your progress.
    Sadly, out of experince, the sweat isn't an indication of increased calorie burn...the higher heart rate and the burn in your muscles, however, will help. You can make the workout more intense by going low on the squats and lunges, and increasing the weights. Careful on the cardio segments, though, your muscles will likely be tense from the strength exercises, and the high impact of her jumps can be a challenge for your knees and ankles. Take it slow and work your way up to full speed.

    Have fun!
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I don't have any monitors so I always just entered it as "circuit training" on here and used the calories it listed...
  • Ylorse
    Ylorse Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I use calisthenics to track it. It's all I could come up with. After almost 30 days I have noticed I am toning up. You should try that next. It's great!
  • kerenelly
    kerenelly Posts: 61 Member
    h7463 wrote: »
    Hi there! I've done this workout many times, wearing a heart rate monitor, and depending on the size of the weights, level, and intensity, I burn between 150 and 250 calories. I'm 5'5", 132 lbs. You can compare the MFP suggested calories of circuit training (with your own vital stats) with other free fitness apps, like Daily Burn Tracker. If in doubt, just take the lower number for your records.
    You can create your own exercise in the cardio section of MFP and just name it '30 day shred', this way you have it separate from everything else to monitor your progress.
    Sadly, out of experince, the sweat isn't an indication of increased calorie burn...the higher heart rate and the burn in your muscles, however, will help. You can make the workout more intense by going low on the squats and lunges, and increasing the weights. Careful on the cardio segments, though, your muscles will likely be tense from the strength exercises, and the high impact of her jumps can be a challenge for your knees and ankles. Take it slow and work your way up to full speed.

    Have fun!

    Hey, did you find it beneficial? Did you see good results? I finished Week 1 yesterday and I'm having a rest day today, starting Week 2 tomorrow!
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    kerenelly wrote: »
    h7463 wrote: »
    Hi there! I've done this workout many times, wearing a heart rate monitor, and depending on the size of the weights, level, and intensity, I burn between 150 and 250 calories. I'm 5'5", 132 lbs. You can compare the MFP suggested calories of circuit training (with your own vital stats) with other free fitness apps, like Daily Burn Tracker. If in doubt, just take the lower number for your records.
    You can create your own exercise in the cardio section of MFP and just name it '30 day shred', this way you have it separate from everything else to monitor your progress.
    Sadly, out of experince, the sweat isn't an indication of increased calorie burn...the higher heart rate and the burn in your muscles, however, will help. You can make the workout more intense by going low on the squats and lunges, and increasing the weights. Careful on the cardio segments, though, your muscles will likely be tense from the strength exercises, and the high impact of her jumps can be a challenge for your knees and ankles. Take it slow and work your way up to full speed.

    Have fun!

    Hey, did you find it beneficial? Did you see good results? I finished Week 1 yesterday and I'm having a rest day today, starting Week 2 tomorrow!

    Hi! Yep, absolutely! HOWEVER, it will only work for weight loss if you stick to your meal plan (or Jillian's for that matter). It won't burn enough calories.
    I did a lot of her workout videos, mostly to carry me through various annoying bumps, bruises, and injuries, that prevented me from lifting heavy. I didn't use them with a weight loss plan, but recently in rotation for one month, and then completed the 30 Day Shred to get ready for Erin Stern's Elite Body Trainer on bodybuilding.com. And I'm glad I did! My muscles felt well prepared, the range of motion of my joints had improved, and my muscles can handle the soreness and repair much better than expected.
    If you want to continue, don't overdo the weights, and don't be intimidated by the speed of the exercises. Just take this first week's experience to learn the form, and try to find a comfortable way to deal with the high impact of some exercises. No point in risking an injury in the beginning. Who cares anyway, if you just add a week to the program...
    I like Ripped in 30 very much, but I'm not 20, and I generally heal slower now. It took me some time to get used to repeating the same exercises every day. Now I just mix and match something from all her workouts, and hit different body parts on different days. If in doubt, or too sore, just add another rest day, but keep going, and you will see progress.
    Generally, IMO the 30 day programs are useful, but very extreme. To see excellent results, you will have to fight very hard for just a short period of time, which I don't think makes much sense for someone looking to make a lifestyle change and needing some guidance for a longer period of time. Personally, I love Jillian's workout as 'go to' for cardio, circuit, or HIIT days in my lifting program.

    If you have any questions about how to make some exercises more intense, or safer, just PM me!

    Happy training!
  • SofiV79
    SofiV79 Posts: 29 Member
    I do Jillian Michaels workouts, interspersed with running and swimming (6 days a week total), and I am 1.65 m and 62 kg. I burn about 180 cals on level 2 of RI30, based on my HRM. I usually follow it up with 6 week six-pack or something, to get an hour's workout in total.
  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I was told to log them as circuit training.

    I'm almost done with week 3, and I'm down a little weight, but the inches are falling off of everything. That seems to be what happens to me, when following her programs. :smile:

  • tiffany5446
    tiffany5446 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everybody! I think I am going to do at least another week at level 1. I feel like I want to be able to do the advanced version of each move before I move on. I am almost done with week one (two more workouts, I'm doing 6 days a week) and I am already feeling a difference, which really helps in keeping me motivated. I'm having surgery in about a month and a half and will probably not be able to do anything but walk for at least two months, if not longer, so I am trying to get as fit as I can beforehand. I've read the more fit you are before surgery, the better the recovery is.
  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    Don't rush it! I try to follow the same plan that I did with the 30 day shred. I do each level 10 times, for 3-4 days a week. The only time I would cut a level short is if I feel like it's getting too easy (lol). I've been doing the program since the end of August, and I'll be starting level four soon.

    I've seen the scale drop a little, but it's really the way that my clothes are hanging that tells me that I'm doing something right. :)

    And don't forget that you can do it!
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have this dvd also and I'm wondering if I should try to lose about 10 pounds before I even try. I don't have anything...hand weights or whatever.
    You will lose on the way! Just get started. You don't need to buy weights for this, just take 2 water bottles or something that you can get a good grip on. I've heard that some have used soup cans....
    It's got a lot of body weight moves in it, and it doesn't matter how heavy the weights are in the beginning, anyway. Just practise good form, and keep moving!
    I got most of my dumbbells one at a time, using rebate coupons from a local sporting good store. I'm training at home for almost 3 years now....it's a solid collection....lol

    Happy training! :D
  • pknjhh
    pknjhh Posts: 117 Member
    Can't rely on calories burnt since everyone has a different metabolism, body composition and muscle types. That's just a gimmick to make people feel better. Try going to a gym doing cardio and weight training. Search around for a workout regime and follow it. You will have much better results with that. You obviously want to get in shape so give it a try.
  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    I have this dvd also and I'm wondering if I should try to lose about 10 pounds before I even try. I don't have anything...hand weights or whatever.

    I started with Jillian's workouts at about 230 pounds, and it was hard, but I kept going. I would say to try, be mindful of your form, and if it seems like too much then stop. I'm 30 pounds lighter now, but it looks like I've lost SO much more because the inches just disappear.

    If you try, and push through the first two weeks of super soreness, you won't be sorry.

  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    pknjhh wrote: »
    Can't rely on calories burnt since everyone has a different metabolism, body composition and muscle types. That's just a gimmick to make people feel better. Try going to a gym doing cardio and weight training. Search around for a workout regime and follow it. You will have much better results with that. You obviously want to get in shape so give it a try.
    I agree with you on the subject of metabolism. But it isn't a gimmick, it's a useful tool. Yes, it will make people feel better, but anything goes, if it helps to stay on track!
    Not everybody has access to a gym. I quit going because I can't justify the expense for gas money and membership. I put my money in a small home gym over time. Just as successful!
    The DVDs are great (and I have done most of Jillian's..) especially if someone doesn't feel comfortable exercising in public for whatever reason.
    While your suggestion of cardio and weights are great, please never discourage anybody who wants to get off the couch! Even if it's just to do a quick 30 min workout in front of the couch!

  • mamachug
    mamachug Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 40 lbs. by taking diet pills and then 5 years ago I decided after I quit smoking and started to put the weight back on that I was going to learn to be healthy and get fit. I bought the 30 day shred and I thought I was going to die!!! But I stuck with it. Today five years later I almost have a 6 pack and I have guns!!! I feel strong and empowered. I DON'T go to a gym and all I do are Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper dvds. I think they work great as long as you give it your all. I think you have to be determined to better yourself! Just because I don't go to a gym doesn't mean I don't get the results :) I never followed anyone's diet plan because I am so picky. I still eat my pizza and burrito I have just miniaturized I hate veggies so I drink a v8 and a v8 vfusion every day and sneak in some corn and potatos. I also eat an apple and a peach cup every day for fruit. and I just started making me a green smoothie with a banana and frozen strawberries and spinach with greek yogurt. If I tried to eat the way Jillian wants me too I would have given up because I refuse to eat fish or chicken and stuff.
  • tiffany5446
    tiffany5446 Posts: 20 Member
    Great information everyone. I finished week 1 and decided to do level one for another week, which I just started yesterday. I am noticing that I am doing better, but I am glad I decided to do level one for another week. I will see how I feel at the end of this week and decide if I'm ready for level two yet. I definitely don't have much interest in joining a gym. My apartment complex has a small one, but I prefer either running outside and free weights at home, or workout DVDs.
  • hill1angel
    hill1angel Posts: 37 Member
    This was an interesting read for me regarding work out programs...


    I am still going to do the SHRED and decide about what to do next. Interested to see how it works out for you. I will do SHRED for the second time today and hopefully I can keep doing it until I go through each level. Thanks for being a MFP virtual partner.