20's trying to get on track =)



  • hicp
    hicp Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 22, stopped doing sports and started gaining weight. I did MFP before, and need to start again.
    Height: 6'3
    Start: 330
    Current: 280
    Goal: 200

    I need more accountability, so feel free to friend me!
  • cmpilgrim
    cmpilgrim Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 25 trying to lose just 15-18 more. I've lost 20 so far :)
    Height: 5'5"
    Start: 168
    Current: 148
    Goal: 132
  • staypretty
    staypretty Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 23 and just got serious about losing the extra weight for good.
    I'm 5'3
    SW: 180
    CW: 178
    GW: 120

    I've added some of you, but feel free to friend me if I didn't already friend you :)
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm 28, am I too old? Put on crazy amounts of weight from too much pizza and cider while at university. Now paying the price, and trying to remove the damage.
    CW 228
    GW 135
  • I'm 22 and have about 15-20 pounds to go!!! Feel free to add me!
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I am 24, for now I am going for abs and 120 lbs. Hopefully one of them happens by the new year, I do not care which one happens. The other will be apart of my New Years resolution.
  • DomTre1990
    DomTre1990 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi :) Anyone here feel free to add me - I'm 24, male and a musician. I joined MFP a while back and I've already lost a stone but quite a bit more to lose! This year is definitely going to be the year of the weight loss for me :)
  • I'm 25 when I started 2 weeks ago 225 currently 220 and am hoping to eventually be 150 :) anyone can feel free to add me as well to chat & support eachother! Good luck to everyone on their journey :) we can do this!!!
  • Im 25 (almost 26 in November :'( ) Ive been here a while but lose motivation when stuck on night shifts, Anyone is free to add me :) would be nice to have some new support and some new people to encourage
  • I'm 26 and hoping to lose 20-30 pounds.
  • 24 y.o, male, 5'10, and 170 lbs currently. I started out at 190 lbs about 4 months ago and 170 was my first goal. On my next one, I'm hoping to get to 160 lbs/10% body fat range by Christmas. I have been too lax on my diet the past two weeks. Just need to get my head focused again for the next few months.
  • srsly
    srsly Posts: 38 Member
    Hey all! 23 here, though 24 is coming quick! I started out on MFP years ago and weighed in at 240lbs. I got down to 135lbs, but then life happened. Got a new job, bought a house, found a bf, got married...and I've found myself back up to 155lbs. My original goal weight was 120lbs, so I'd LOVE to get there. I can't believe I was only 15lbs shy not too long ago.

    Feel free to friend me. I SO need accountability as I'm known to log for a week and then stop.
  • akvangundy
    akvangundy Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 23, will be 24 in November. No one I know uses MFP and I do way better with support. I would love to help others as well. Feel free to add me if you are the same way. I'm currently in grad school to become a doctor of physical therapy. I gained weight since my wedding in December and am trying to lose 20 pounds or more. I've always been fairly healthy, but I love sweets. Do any of you have cheat days? Do you regulate them?
  • heartofviolet
    heartofviolet Posts: 119 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm in the same boat. I'm 21 and directionless and trying to get my *kitten* together. I'm 150 pounds, 5'6", and I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds more (give or take).
  • itsbarbiie
    itsbarbiie Posts: 29 Member
    22 and around the same boat. I'd like to lose 60-80 pounds. I just have the horrible track record of staying on track haha. Feel free to add :]
  • abbeyjones1994
    abbeyjones1994 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey! I'm 20 and trying to figure out this whole healthy lifestyle thing while I'm still in college!

    SW: 155
    CW: 138.8
    GW: 120 (right now, we'll see what happens when I get there)

    Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    Im 29 currently and down 151 pounds currently, with 4 left to go. I am almost at goal but if anyone needs some advice or even a little motivation feel free to add me.
  • mandifriesen
    mandifriesen Posts: 35 Member
    Hey! I'm 27 with 65lbs to lose! anyone feel free to add me I'm always looking for new friends!
  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    I am 26 (going to be 27 early November) and I have about 70 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • MNBardsley
    MNBardsley Posts: 17 Member
    Hey all. I think the hardest part for me is balancing social life with being responsible for eating right and working out. I love trying new restaurants and grabbing drinks with friends.
    I hit 300 lbs. after college but started eating better, running and working out. I am now around 215 lbs. but I want to lose another 20 lbs. I'm 29 and I have some big things coming up (wedding, backpacking Europe) that I want to look like a boss for! Feel free to add me.