

I took Topamax in 2007 after I had a stroke and 2 seizures as a way of preventing seizures... I lost a tremendous amount of weight... Almost 60 lb in 3 months. But after that the doctor took me off of them... I slowly gained all the weight back plus more :( And now that I tried it for the second time I lost no weight... Does anyone know why it worked so well the first time but didn't work at all the second time?


  • bakingmadness
    bakingmadness Posts: 70 Member
    Did you change your eating habits and/or exercise last time versus this time in combination with the Topamax? Is the dosage the same?
  • Mizzmtz
    The first time I took Topamax I didn't exercise at all and I was less fat than I am now... And as soon as I took the first low dose pill my appetite decreased by about 80% N the sugary food tasted really growst so that's the only way I changed some foods I chose to eat... N the second time around I only took them for 3 days at a little bit higher dose than the first time I took them N I got heart palpitations, shortness of breath... pain in my chest N my appetite did not decrease at all. So I thought it was not worth it.

    And last week I got prescribed the new appetite suppressant that just got FDA aproved last month (Contrave) And I stopped taking it yesterday cuz I got horrible migrans, pain in my chest N I gained 1 lb in 6 days... So at this point I don't know what else to try... I think I might even be immune to appetite suppressants... Is that possible?
  • trekkie_bbs
    trekkie_bbs Posts: 64 Member
    Why not calorie count? It's not that hard and it's a guaranteed way to lose weight as long as you stick to it.

    The best part is how much did you pay for those medications? cause calorie counting is FREE! As with all diets if you go back to your previous eating habits you will gain the weight back. But from what I have seen from my own experience is it helps me to make proper choices. To actually research the foods I love and find ways to make them work.

    It has also taught me about what foods cause water retention and gas weight. I can eat 11oz of chips and gain 7 pounds yet if I eat 11oz of boild corn I gain at most 3 pounds until I go poo.

    Don't get me wrong it is confusing at first to figure out where to start calorie counting but once you start it becomes easy. Especially if you plan your meals ahead of time. For me it not only has helped me lose over 150 pounds but it has saved me thousands of dollars by not eating out nearly as much.

    Ultimately do whatever it is you wish to do.

    Best wishes.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I've been on Topamax for 5 years now. Ironically enough, I was put on it for PTSD, because none of the anti-anxiety medications were strong enough to stop the panic and crippling flashbacks, so my therapist put me on Topamax, because it calms the brain. When I first began taking it, when I would have the flashbacks, it did pretty much put me in an almost what I described as an "awake" coma like state. My eyes would be open, but I wasn't functional. It was best if I actually just went to bed, but I wasn't competent- BUT it did what it was supposed to do. It stopped the fear, anxiety and flashbacks.

    As far as weight loss goes, I'm not sure how much weight loss came from the Topamax and how much came from living with an obstetric fistula. I know that the taste of soft drinks was absolutely VILE. I didn't touch one for over a year. They tasted absolutely horrible. And, I do *NOT* recommend this- because I was living with an obstetric fistula, I was trying my best not to eat whenever possible. I was living on Ensure as much as I could, and only eating "solid" food when I had to. Not because I was looking to lose weight, or even cared about my weight at that point in time- going up or down- living with a fistula, I just wanted to feel normal, and the only way to do that, was if nothing "came out" so to speak.

    Even after having my fistula successfully repaired, and PTSD well under control, my FNP has kept me on Topamax for migraine control. That's one thing that I did notice BIG time. I still have migraines, and they're still severe when I get them, BUT I don't have them nearly at the frequency that I used to. I would have several a month, but now, I'm typically limited to pre-menstral. Every now and then one will sneak up on me, but it's few and far between.

    I'll be honest, using Topamax for a weight loss drug scares me, and I'm not one that will tell you that I'm opposed to using weight loss drugs or supplements to start a weight loss program. Topamax is a wicked drug, with a LOT of side-effects. I know I'm saying this, and I've been on it for five years, but using a medication that's used to calm the brain to prevent seizures/migraines to lose weight is scary to me. I know the FDA is getting ready to ok it, if they haven't already, I don't know, there's just something about it that I can't put my finger on.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I take Topamax for migraine prevention and a high dose. I attribute my weight loss to a calorie deficit and exercise. I can still eat just as much now as I did before I started taking it. IMO the side effects of this drug far outweigh the benefits of using it as a weight loss medication.

    And btw, I lost over 20 lbs on my own before they ever started me on Topamax.
  • Julslilly1
    Julslilly1 Posts: 8 Member
    Miss_1999 wrote: »
    I've been on Topamax for 5 years now. Ironically enough, I was put on it for PTSD, because none of the anti-anxiety medications were strong enough to stop the panic and crippling flashbacks, so my therapist put me on Topamax, because it calms the brain. When I first began taking it, when I would have the flashbacks, it did pretty much put me in an almost what I described as an "awake" coma like state. My eyes would be open, but I wasn't functional. It was best if I actually just went to bed, but I wasn't competent- BUT it did what it was supposed to do. It stopped the fear, anxiety and flashbacks.

    As far as weight loss goes, I'm not sure how much weight loss came from the Topamax and how much came from living with an obstetric fistula. I know that the taste of soft drinks was absolutely VILE. I didn't touch one for over a year. They tasted absolutely horrible. And, I do *NOT* recommend this- because I was living with an obstetric fistula, I was trying my best not to eat whenever possible. I was living on Ensure as much as I could, and only eating "solid" food when I had to. Not because I was looking to lose weight, or even cared about my weight at that point in time- going up or down- living with a fistula, I just wanted to feel normal, and the only way to do that, was if nothing "came out" so to speak.

    Even after having my fistula successfully repaired, and PTSD well under control, my FNP has kept me on Topamax for migraine control. That's one thing that I did notice BIG time. I still have migraines, and they're still severe when I get them, BUT I don't have them nearly at the frequency that I used to. I would have several a month, but now, I'm typically limited to pre-menstral. Every now and then one will sneak up on me, but it's few and far between.

    I'll be honest, using Topamax for a weight loss drug scares me, and I'm not one that will tell you that I'm opposed to using weight loss drugs or supplements to start a weight loss program. Topamax is a wicked drug, with a LOT of side-effects. I know I'm saying this, and I've been on it for five years, but using a medication that's used to calm the brain to prevent seizures/migraines to lose weight is scary to me. I know the FDA is getting ready to ok it, if they haven't already, I don't know, there's just something about it that I can't put my finger on.

    I am glad you are feeling better. Last week I was put on Topomax because I needed a mood stabilizer and migraine relief. I haven't noticed the soda tasting different yet. I just increased dosage first time last night. Do you recall how long it took to taste horrible? I'm addicted
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    This thread is old, but I have a response for the necromancer. :)

    I was on Topamax for years for epilepsy and didn't notice any effect on weight. I've been thinner before and after taking it, but also bigger.

    I did not have any of the taste-related side effects. (I would LOVE something to help me give up soda. No joy.) I have one friend who suddenly discovered she couldn't stand coffee.

    I had some overheating issues with exercise in the summer (Topa stops sweating=>causes overheating), but ultimately I stopped taking it (increased a different sz drug) due to the side effects that give it the nickname "Dopeamax."
  • Lotusgirlruns
    Lotusgirlruns Posts: 15 Member
    I see this thread on Topamax has been 'revived' in the last few weeks - I just got put on it for a trial to help with evening binge eating --- I am scared when I read all of the side effects! I have only been on it for less than a week, 25mg, but my question is whether i should be taking it at night or in the morning. I have heard both and wondering which will give me more success/fewer side effects (if thats possible). I am supposed to titrate up by 25mg after a week....
    There have been studies done on its efficacy in reducing binge eating and bulimia - I had bulimia for over 20 years and lately it has morphed into binge eating - I was able to overcome the purging on my own and through therapy.

    Any thoughts and suggestions greatly appreciated!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited February 2015
    I see this thread on Topamax has been 'revived' in the last few weeks - I just got put on it for a trial to help with evening binge eating --- I am scared when I read all of the side effects! I have only been on it for less than a week, 25mg, but my question is whether i should be taking it at night or in the morning. I have heard both and wondering which will give me more success/fewer side effects (if thats possible). I am supposed to titrate up by 25mg after a week....
    There have been studies done on its efficacy in reducing binge eating and bulimia - I had bulimia for over 20 years and lately it has morphed into binge eating - I was able to overcome the purging on my own and through therapy.

    Any thoughts and suggestions greatly appreciated!

    I took Topamax last year. It made me terribly nauseous to a point where I was eating a diet that consisted of maybe 5 food items. I eventually had to stop taking it because I was eating very few calories and wasn't getting proper nutrition.

    It also changed my depth perception when driving. I would stop hundreds of feet before the actual stop sign was right in front of me… It was scary.

    As far as when to take the medication… I personally took Topamax at night. However, that is a question you should ask your doctor!
  • clotho
    clotho Posts: 29 Member
    I have an answer to why the topamax is less effective for weight loss now for OP. For some reason, many people find that the weight loss benefit to topamax is gone or greatly reduced after the first time they take it. As in, if they go off and then back on again it will be less effective for weight loss. No other benefits or side effects are generally changed, just the weight loss part. This site seems to break down topamax in common language pretty well
  • greenplatespecial
    greenplatespecial Posts: 3 Member
    I take topamax for migraines. I have had the overheating side effects AND a kidney stone. I was off it for three months and didn't notice any weight creeping back on, but I did have killer menstrual migraines. I went back on it. No change in weight, but I am trying to stay super hydrated to stave off any future side effects.
  • Strongandscrappy
    Strongandscrappy Posts: 1,735 Member
    It happens. Your body gets used to the Meds and you don't have the side effect of loss of appetite. I was on it for a few years for migraines. I would lose weight then stabilize until the doctor increased my dosage and then I would lose my appetite again until my body adjusted to the dosage.
  • serenity1097
    serenity1097 Posts: 135 Member
    I took Topamax a couple years ago, lost about 60 lbs in 4 months. Everything I put in my mouth tasted like sawdust, I literally survived on grilled chicken, rice & water for the entire time. Had to drink several Ensure drinks every day just to ward off malnutrition. I got terrible headaches, was irritable to the point my marriage almost ended. It messed with my eyesight & I could not concentrate at work (Dr put me on ADHD meds to help me focus). Even after all that, I tried to go back on it last year because I had gained all of my weight back. The negative side effects were instantly back but I didn't get the same "everything tastes horrible" effect which made me lose the original weight. Suffice it to say that I am no longer taking it!!
  • stephanieeelala
    i just started taking topamax yesterday and am really hoping i lose 40 pounds like I've read many people having as a side effect. i gained a ton of weight on a different drug last fall and have always been pretty fit until now.
  • clotho
    clotho Posts: 29 Member
    I have been on Topamax and Phentramine for 10 days now and have lost 9 pound without counting calories or any extra exercising although I am pretty active these days at work/school. For the first time in my adult life I don't feel hungry virtually all of the time. I now feel hungry then eat and feel full and stay feel for hours then feel hungry again and eat! For my entire adult life I was hungry all the time except just a short time after eating. It's like my brain and stomach now actually work right and my body is getting the amount of food it actually really needs now. If I had to guess I would say I am now eating somewhere between 1500 and 2000 calories a day depending on how active I am. Topamax has the added benefit of no more migraines and less headaches in general as well mood stabilizing effects. The only negative effects I have noticed are tingling in hand and feet and some mild dizziness. I'm not sure the Phentramine does much but counteract the sedative effect of the topamax. I'd have to say my brain is broken in some fundamental way and topamax is somehow replacing some of the missing chemicals.