I just ditched $43 WW for this free site..which is waaay better...

Are there any weekly weigh in threads on this site? I just ditched WW to save my $43 a month but want the weekly weigh-in accountability...


  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    You can check groups and find one. Maybe see if there are any challenges starting soon?
  • belgarath64
    belgarath64 Posts: 125 Member
    I weigh in once a week, feel free to add me as a friend, and we can encourage each other.
  • MzOakland
    MzOakland Posts: 60 Member
    I weigh in once a week, feel free to add me as a friend, and we can encourage each other.

  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I am currently in a group (100 days until 2015) we weigh in every 10 days. Tomorrow is a weigh in day. I am sure there are other groups that do weekly weigh ins. I know the one I am due to start on Jan 1st is a weekly weigh in on Thursdays. For now and until you find a group you like, I would just weigh in on your own weekly. Good luck and welcome to MFP.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I don't even have to pay anything since I'm a lifetime member and I ditched them too. Way more support on here, it makes me more motivated to work out, I can log my food for free where as I would have to pay to do it online with them.. plus I don't have to go to boring meetings.
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    I didn't really like the meetings either... I had made Lifetime and gone for a while for free, but never really got into it. There was one woman who let her kids run wild in the meeting room that bugged the heck outta me, which didn't help... the only thing I liked was the group leader who did the Sunday morning meeting which was why I always went to the same one with the bratty kids, but when that leader left I stopped going. Tried the others but I didn't like any of them. Hard to please, I guess.
  • allofme32
    allofme32 Posts: 92 Member
    This site it good but you have to be consistent with journaling everything even if it is bad. You have to account for yourself. I was doing well when I began but got lazy and stopped journaling on the weekends. Sure enough, all progress achieve during the week reversed during the weekend and I ended up going nowhere for a long time.

    Stay accountable, Make sure you get your water, vegges and fruit in. (this is what we all learned from WW). This site is good and economical and great for meeting other people in the same boat that you are in.

  • MzOakland
    MzOakland Posts: 60 Member
    mockchoc wrote: »
    I don't even have to pay anything since I'm a lifetime member and I ditched them too. Way more support on here, it makes me more motivated to work out, I can log my food for free where as I would have to pay to do it online with them.. plus I don't have to go to boring meetings.

    girl so true. the database and forums are way better here. And the meetings are super boring! and they are always product pushing..