Sexy Pics Counter Protest

Hey all. In light of all the craziness going on in the forums about people getting offended at other people's pictures, i propose that we form a counter protest. I am posting a sexy pic as my profile pic. Its a symbol that i have the right to post a picture that i want (within the site rules) and not be ridiculed or made fun of. This is a fitness site. We all work out butts off to lose weight or beef up etc. Now when we get results we are rightfully proud of that.

Now i understand that some people have morals that differ from mine. And that is all well and fine but they have no right to make fun of or send rude private messages. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there is no need to force it on others just because it is what you believe is right.

If you want to join want to join me in this, post a comment or just change your profile picture to something or someone you want to look like one day. Just remember to keep it within the site rules.



  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I don't have a sexy pic but I am all for this!!! lol
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I love the boots!
  • I ♥ You Ambi!!!
  • jsnphllps
    jsnphllps Posts: 5 Member
    And a great pic you posted, love it
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    We actually don't allow explicit photos to be posted on the site. Please keep that in mind when deciding what photos to upload on your profile.

    That having been said, we also don't allow users to attack or insult other users for any reason, under any circumstance. If someone is sending you rude messages or posting attacks or insults on the forums, please let one of the moderators know and we'll look into it.

    Hope that helps clarify our policies.
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