Advice/Feedback on Running and Strength Training Routines

I am an intermediate level runner and I want to incorporate some regular strength training in to my workout routine. I run at least 3 times a week and more typically 4 and will gradually increase the distance over the course of the week from 5 to 8 miles each session so I'm running ~25 miles a week.

I am looking for feedback, ideas or advice on workout routines. My schedule doesn't allow me to do a split workout (strength in the morning and running in the evening or vice versa). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I've done some initial research online but there seems to be a lot of conflicting information. My goal is to build a solid overall fitness level. I'm not a body builder but I would like to add some muscle. I really enjoy running so my hope is I can find something that will allow me to do both without one coming at the expense of the other.

Anyone have any experience with this type of program? Do you do both in day? Are you running before or after strength training (I seen conflicting advice on this), How are you breaking up the strength routine to hit all the major muscles?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Nevermind... I should have searched the forums before I posted.
  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    I recently consulted a personal trainer with exactly the same question. It's difficult to find a good balance if you can only fit one workout per day into your schedule. Also you need at least one rest day for recovery and won't want to be running the day after training legs. Also I would vary the length of the runs over the week. I'd did this in preparation for half marathon:

    Monday - Upper Body Strength
    Tuesday - Medium Length Run
    Wednesday - Lower Body Strength
    Thursday - Short Run (or rest if leg training was very heavy)
    Friday - Short Run
    Saturday - REST DAY
    Sunday - Long Run