Parent Runners *Jogging Stroller Recommendations*

I looking to buy a jogging stroller to bring along my 3 year old on my runs. Any recommendations on a stroller that can hold up a 35-45 pound little person :blush:


  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    Most jogging strollers are designed to accommodate a child up to 50lbs. Just be cautious that you get an actual jogging stroller where the front wheel either locks or is always locked. In terms of brands, there are several out there at varying price points. Instep and Baby Expedition on the lower end work just as well as a BOB (imo). Figure out what amenities you want and then go from there.
  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    If you are actually going running with it, definitely get one that has the fixed front wheel. If you are going to just walk with it, then that may be less important.

    The bigger the wheels, the easier it will be to push and roll over things. The only downside to the big wheels is that they are harder to put in a car, if needed.

    Check out craigslist and see if you can pick one up used and save some money. There are a usually quite a few for sale and most are nearly new.
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    I have a Baby Jogger City Mini GT and love it. It's great for running and just getting around town (I can push it with one hand).
  • viktha
    viktha Posts: 36 Member
    Baby Expedition (got it at target for $130ish)- we have had ours for 2 years and never had an issue. Weight up to 50 lbs.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Chariot/Thule makes a great jogger. You can also buy an attachment so it converts to a bike trailer. You can easily find these used.
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
    I have the bob revolution and really love it. It's great for smaller or bigger kids- I now have the single for my baby and previously used the double for 2 toddlers- it pushes effortlessly, has a great sunshade and is just really well made. In terms of the front wheel, you can either use it fixed or swiveling which is very nice if you're also just using it as a regular stroller. The issue people sometimes have with it is price but I got mine for 40% off on Amazon around the holidays. REI sometimes has them at their warehouse sale or you can try craigslist. Also the accessories are all sold separately which is annoying but honestly the only one I recommend is the parent console. Good luck!
  • misskris78
    misskris78 Posts: 136 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have a Bob Revolution as well. It's held up for over 4 years. I can push the 1 year old or the 4 year old in it. I had a cheaper Instep stroller from Target prior. While it was nice around town or on short walks, it wasn't really made for jogging. If you're serious about getting some miles in, I recommend something a little sturdier. My SIL has a chariot and loves it as well. She lives near lots of paths, so transportation is not a problem for her. I live off the beaten path and need to drive with my stroller, so being able to fit it in my trunk is key. As for size folded up: I have a VW Passat, and I can fit the BOB with some groceries. When I had a small SUV, the stroller was the only thing that would fit in the back. I couldn't put anything else in the vehicle. There are a lot of used strollers around for a decent price.