gain muscle not!

Hi, so I'm desperate to gain some muscle and am weight training heavy 3times a week as well as light yoga 30 min sessions on alternate days. I used to undereat and have always had a very anorexic view (obsessive about nutrition) on food. I have completed a fitness instructors course and took sport and fitness management as part of my degree so I have a good understanding of fitness and nutrition now and am desperate to stop punishing my body and make gains. My biggest fear is that my body wont do what everyone else's does and Il just get fat! Stupid huh. Iv always eaten one/two meals max but now I'm on 5/6 a day, I have used lots of calculators to find how many calories I need to be in surplus (2286) with my training, lifestyle really struggling to make it to 2000 but am doing better each day. I have worked out my macro allowances to and concentrate on making sure out of all of them, I get the protein I need spread out. I'm just terrified cos I have lived low carb for so long it difficult eating carbs now without guilt but I know I need them or I have no energy. Any advice on how to meet my nutrition goals without torturing myself, and on a tight budget (4Kids no money lol)


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I'm honestly not 100% sure what you're asking... but wanted to throw in not to stress out too much because your body will gain muscle if you're eating correctly.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Very few people who gain weight off roids put on 100% lean body mass.
    Stop stressing and just eat right and exercise smart. Strive to become the best version of yourself.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    When you bulk, you will add fat and muscle. It's just the science of it. If you do it eating mostly whole foods and going slow (a surplus of less than 500 calories/day), you can minimize fat gain, but you will still gain some. This is why most people who bulk, follow it up with a cut cycle (to lose the fat that you gain during your bulk).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you are going to bulk you have to accept that you are going to gain fat. I was going to bulk last winter and totally chickened out because I was worried about fat gain = stupid; so this year, I have resolved myself to the fact that I am going to gain some fat and am a little under two weeks in.

    Foods to help get you to more calories = bagels, ice cream, eggs, steak, rice, pasta, breads, peanut butter, cookies…

    carbs are not evil, you need them for energy. However, if you have been low carb and are now going to be consuming more you may gain a little more but that is just water weight/glycogen and not actually fat….

  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Join a wholesaler and buy food in bulk. Then prepare food in bulk.

    Carbs are necessary for muscle building, and getting the required energy to lift. Start with a daily sweet potato or two if you're having trouble viewing carbs as healthy.

    You won't just get fat bulking. Trust the process for one cycle of bulking and cutting. I guarantee you'll be hooked after it.
  • jamandlettuce
    Wow, thanks everyone. Think hearing that its ok makes all the difference! I have noted all the advice given and will try to keep it at the front of my mind