Looking for friends!

livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
edited October 2014 in Motivation and Support
Hi there! I have been on and off of MFP for probably two years now. Starting to get more serious about weight loss as of one month ago (more serious than I have ever taken weight loss, actually). For the first time in my life I have quit drinking soda, started eating clean, don't go out to eat. I have schedule cheat days that are for celebration (I have one on Day 29 of this set, then my birthday, my fiance's birthday, and Thanksgiving). On those days I can eat whatever I want, but on other days I have to stick to clean eating. I haven't started exercising yet, but I've definitely been working hard on diet and that seems to be working! :) Hope to start exercising soon, but need motivation. I'm working on losing 70 ish pounds and right now have lost about 8. I'd love friends to help me along the way - not simply a number of friends, but friends where we motivate and encourage each other along the way with messages, comments, etc. I'm 22 and work full time at a camp, graduated college last year. Most of my friends are over 50, so I get along with everyone and would love to make friends with anyone! :) Thanks!


  • AnneTheresa113
    Hey! Im in a really similar boat and I would love someone to commiserate with! I take Saturdays off generally but Im good every other day of the week. I just started back again on the wagon yesterday and I also would like to lose around 70ish pounds. Feel free to add me if youd like to chat!
  • Lian98
    Lian98 Posts: 275 Member
    You and me, my friend. I am in a very similar situation. I needed to lose around 60ish pounds. I have lost around 20ish so far. Go ahead and add me! The only reason I haven't been logging in regularly recently is because I have been taking care of my grandparents for the last couple weeks. Usually I am a very regular person on mfp so I will definitely be there for you :-)
  • iheartdinosaurs
    iheartdinosaurs Posts: 45 Member
    *raises hand* I feel like I've been on MFP forever, but finally taking it seriously for more than 3 months at a time. I've lost about 20 pounds this year, and have about 50 more to go for my current 'end goal'. If I don't log in, it's because my internet isn't working (rural Ethiopia problems). Anyhow, please feel free to add me (this goes to anyone else who joins this thread!) - I don't really have too many friends who are active on MFP so it gets a bit lonely! Looking to also help motivate others - I know how hard this is, as a life-long struggler!
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Right there with you all. I've had some success since July. Feel free to friend me if you want. Happy to support you however I can. ankdworak
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    You guys are awesome! This is great. The more support and encouragement we can share with one another, the better we will do - that's my thought anyways. :) Added you all! It sounds like we all have very similar stories, goals, plans, and failures..which is kinda awesome actual...we're all in this together... :)
  • denisemc72
    denisemc72 Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track! I'll help support you! :)
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    can add me if you'd like? I could use the support
  • rmcclish
    rmcclish Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to find friend that motive each other. The last 6 months have been the most seriously that I've used MFP. I've really made changes in my life in the last month and am down 10 lbs total. I have many "mini" goals for myself with an overall goal in mind. I would love to have pals that motivate and encourage. Please feel free to add me!!
  • JJlynn515
    JJlynn515 Posts: 7 Member
    DITTO TO EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN SAID!! Lol. And I need more friends to help motivate me to finally lose this weight. I stopped last October when I found out I was pregnant. Now 3 1/2 months post partum and have a beautiful baby girl to take care of...and part of that is taking care of myself. I am almost back to my pre pregnancy weight but still have about 60 lbs to lose from being overweight prior to pregnancy!
  • alib752
    alib752 Posts: 29 Member
    I would be glad of all the friends who are going to support each other that I can get. I'm rubbish at keeping myself motivated which is why I've failed in the past year but now I'm determined to lose the weight that I have piled on. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • nikkishastid
    nikkishastid Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2014
    im looking for more active friends as well. Im 5'9' 224 pounds and 24 years old. I have an open diary and looking for more friends that are similar. My goal wight is about 165-170.
  • kc_112
    kc_112 Posts: 98 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm also looking for friends! I'm 27 - work 2 jobs and have 3 kids I'm finding it hard to stick to good eating habits especially with the kids! I make good meals for them, but I also have a portion control issue :-/ diary is open to friends and would love to follow and chat with others!! I'm at 160 now (5'7) and wanting to get down to about 130
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks for all the replies!! ! I added you all! :) Can't wait to start supporting each other! :)
  • chewnadaa
    I need support too!! Can we be friends?? :)