Short Girl (5'3") wondering if I am eating too little


I am 5'3" and I weigh 167. When I started I weighed 171. It has been almost 40 days and for the last 3 weeks I have lost about a pound. I lift so I know I'm "supposidly" gaining muscle... but my clothes fit just as tight as they did 2 weeks ago.

Some people have told me I am eating too little. My goal is 1350 but I eat whatever I burn, so I usually eat 1500-1600. I feel like that is already lot for someone so short. I was wondering if anyone in my situation found they lost more when they ate more (and how much more?), or if I just need to be patient.

Also, maybe I am eating too much?? Should I cut it even lower? Should I not eat what I burn? MFP tells me to eat 1200 but I thought that was just tooo low.

Thanks :)


  • jennylew1212
    jennylew1212 Posts: 18 Member
    Maybe just don't eat back all of what you burn. Those machines and heart rate monitors are not 100% accurate.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    First off, how long have you been lifting for? Water retention is going to happen if you just started so it will hide fat loss from the scale for a little while.

    Also, 3 weeks puts you at a very different point in your monthly cycle, which again can screw with scale weight (and how clothes fit).

    You have seen some loss so I would just stick with it for another couple of weeks and see how things shake out. Changing your game plan everytime you don't see the loss you expect is not going to be consistent. Your weight will fluctuate, any change you make needs time to settle down before you can tell if you are getting results.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm your height but about twice your age. Frankly, I have MFP set to 1200 calories and I usually eat back about 75% of my exercise calories so most days I'm eating 1400-1500. I run 3 - 4 days per week and I also lift on the days between. I give myself some extra calories on lifting days. My loss has been slow but I'm finally starting to see real results from lifting in the form of muscle definition.

    It's really as simple as "calories in, calories out" when it comes to weight loss. If you're eating less than you're burning, you should be losing weight. As to eating more, are you hungry? Be honest about that. If you're not, then there's no reason to eat more. There's also no reason why you can't try eating a little less and judging the results yourself.

    You may also need to decide how accurate your logging is. It's very possible that you're eating more than you really think you are and that could be the cause of the problem. If you aren't weighing your food portions, you should be and you want to use MFP entries which go by weight for foods which are not in predefined portions.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're not gaining muscle, you're probably just not in a deficit.
  • DorseyJ618
    First off, how long have you been lifting for? .

    Half a week. Before that I did T-25 for a month. It has A LITTLE weight lifting but it's basically just cardio.
    SueInAz wrote: »
    As to eating more, are you hungry? Be honest about that.

    I rarely feel hungry. The only time I am super hungry is first thing in the morning, and if I haven't eaten in three hours or more.

  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Looking at your diary, I wonder if your counts are accurate. For example, I think that Panda Express probably has a lot more calories than what you're counting (e.g., 190 calories for a bowl of mixed veggies and broccoli beef). You might very well be eating more than you think you are.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'm also 5'3" and also twice your age and I'm sad to know that to lose these last 40+ lbs I'm going to have to eat a lot less. :( I've been really sick for the last 5 weeks and haven't been able to exercise, but I'm getting better and I know I have to work out daily or else be VERY hungry. And me hungry is not good for anyone, especially the poor loving people who live with me. LOL
  • alabella
    alabella Posts: 36 Member
    You're probably eating too much. I'm a short girl too (5'2) and I'm losing on around 1300 calories right now. I don't exercise though. If I did, I'd probably only count a small portion of those exercise calories as myfitnesspal is known for overestimating.
  • DorseyJ618
    DorseyJ618 Posts: 61
    edited October 2014
    I'm going to stop eating the calories I burn, netting me at 1350. I think it's likely that I am either overestimating my excercise calories or underestimating my food... or both.

    Thanks everyone!!!
  • nikiste
    nikiste Posts: 861 Member
    I'm 5'1" and some days, even 1200 feels like too much food. Try to eat just under what you burn.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Honestly, you are probably overestimating calories burned. Try eating back a portion of your calories burned. The biggest thing that helped my appetite was increasing my protein intake. I'm 5'3/125lbs and lift 3 days a week. I eat at least 100 grams of protein on non-lifting days and close to 150 on lifting days.
  • kmack29_
    kmack29_ Posts: 13 Member
    i'm 5'3 as well and have been losing on 1310. depending on the day, i try and eat back maybe half of my exercise calories (some days i still eat them all- usually planned!) and have been losing consistently.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I am 5ft 3 and 53 years old. I know I am older and active lifting fairly heavy to most and maintaining not loosing. My base is 1500 and with exercise I can depending on calories burned eat 2500 so if you think of that a safe rate is dropping 300.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Be more precise with your logging: weigh anything solid, log everything you consume. Other than that, give it more time.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    edited October 2014
    You probably can eat 1500-1600 calories and lose weight (that's my goal and I'm shorter, older, and weigh less than you), but unless you're using a food scale to weigh all your food, you're likely eating much more than that. So, you can either keep your calorie goal at 1500-1600 and become a more accurate tracker, or you can just lower your calorie goal to account for underestimating food calories.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    DorseyJ618 wrote: »

    I am 5'3" and I weigh 167. When I started I weighed 171. It has been almost 40 days and for the last 3 weeks I have lost about a pound. I lift so I know I'm "supposidly" gaining muscle... but my clothes fit just as tight as they did 2 weeks ago.

    Some people have told me I am eating too little. My goal is 1350 but I eat whatever I burn, so I usually eat 1500-1600. I feel like that is already lot for someone so short. I was wondering if anyone in my situation found they lost more when they ate more (and how much more?), or if I just need to be patient.

    Also, maybe I am eating too much?? Should I cut it even lower? Should I not eat what I burn? MFP tells me to eat 1200 but I thought that was just tooo low.

    Thanks :)

    Youre not all that short. I'm 5'2. 5'4 is average height. I know plenty of girls who are 5'0 and under. :) that being said, I eat around 1400-1500 and I am losing two pounds a week on that. I weigh about 18lbs less than you---but I workout 2hrs a day. As you get smaller though you'll need to reevaluate your cal goals to make sure you're still losing---OR you can up your exercise.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    I am almost 5'3", almost twice your age. I lost almost 20 lbs since the beginning of the year and 7 of those from the last 8 weeks -- I started Couch-to-5k 6 weeks ago and do some strength training (not regularly yet). On most days, I eat more like 1,300-1,400 Cal. Almost always eat back at least 90% of the calories I burnt.

    Every body's make is different and my theory is that I have not exercise for my whole life so these "running" is probably more challenging to my body than someone who has been exercising, therefore, burn more calories than estimated. Perhaps, you can add more intensity to your exercise?

    Also, the scale does not go down at the rate of 1 lb a week. There was a time I thought it is going to plateau but then I lose 2 lbs the following week I check.

    It might help to make more measurements too. I measure my waistline, my hip, even my arm and calf. Sometimes, my weight doesn't change but I measure less in my hip or waist. It takes time to show in clothing sometimes, especially when they are too tight or too loose start with.

    I also believe in drinking enough water, having enough fiber and protein. I think it makes eating less easier.
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    I think we match almost exactly in most things; except that I'm way older. I'm 5'2" and I started at 171. Based on my fitness level and exercise regime I'm also at 1350 calorie limit.

    I gained a pound and a half the first five days and I freaked out about it. I decided I didn't want to be obsessed by the scale, so I am just going to weigh once a month. I will weigh again on the 30th. I expect to see a 3-5 pound loss, but I won't give up if I don't. It took a long time to put it on and I can deal with taking awhile to get it off. I try not to use up all of the extra calories I get from exercising because I'm more sedentary. I get some exercise daily, but it isn't always in the cardio range.

    I have no desire to eat more and if I manage to have a 500 calorie deficit, I'll keep it and not feel like I should eat more. I think it all balances out in the long-run. Keeping it at 1350 keeps me consistent and accountable.