Could someone once over my plan?

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if someone could once over my plan, I have been using the plan about 2 months maybe three so i know that it is time for me to get it reviewed but would appreciate some input from those who might have more idea then me before i go in and get one of the trainers at my gym to take a look through it with me

heres my current routine

Resistance Training:

5 Minutes rowing machine (warm up)

Leg Press, 70kg 12 reps, 4 times
Leg Extension 30kg, 12 reps, 3 times
Leg Curl 32.5kg, 12 reps, 3 times

Lateral Pull Down, 35kg, 12 reps, 4 times
Vertical Traction 50kg, 12 reps, 3 time
Low Row, 45kg, 12 reps, 4 times

abductor 40kg, 20 reps, 3 times
Pec Adductor 20kg, 12 reps, 3 times
Chest Press 25kg, 12 reps, 3 times

High Pully, 12.5kg, 12 reps, 3 times
Low Pully 12.5kg, 12 reps, 3 times

cable gym internal (to train injured rotator cuff) 3.75kg 15 reps, 3 times
Cable gym external (to train injured rotator cuff) 3.75kg 15 reps, 3 times

5 minutes rowing machine cool down

(note, with exception of warm up/cool down the order of these changes based on whats available in the gym)

500m swim (around 18-25 minutes average)
Optional - dancing at a social night at my university

Swing dance class, around 40 minutes, begginer friendly

thursday (see monday)

Friday (see tuesday)


From what you guys can see is there anything i definately should/shouldn't be doing?

anythign you would reccomend changing?

if i havent given enough information just ask ill be happy to put it in :)


  • TJP_
    TJP_ Posts: 49 Member
    Hmmm, that's a lot of machine stuff, do you have access to free weights?

    What are your goals?
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I think you have your Monday and Thursday days loaded up with too many exercises to get a quality workout past the first 5 to 6 things you do.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    So you have been doing the exact same thing 2x a week for months? What are your goals? If want to get stronger your routine needs to have progressive loading.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Here's an important question.

    What weights and rep ranges did you start at, and what kind of an increase has there been to that in the last two months?
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Where are the quality lifts? Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press, barbell row, pull ups and cleans are really all that you need to build a strong and impressive physique. If you have physique and strength goals I would do something like this:

    Squat: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    Leg Press: 3x10
    Hamstring Curl: 3x10
    Leg Extension: 3x10

    Bench Press: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    Narrow Grip Incline Bench Press: 3x10
    Barbell Row: 3x10
    Rear Delt Raises: 3x10

    Deadlift: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    DB Box Lunges: 3x10
    DB Row: 3x10
    Weighted Sit Ups: 3x10

    Overhead Press: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    DB Overhead Press: 3x10
    Lateral Raises: 3x10
    DB Curls: 3x10

    Start with weights that are somewhat difficult but that are light enough that you have acceptable form. Gradually increase the weights every week. If you get hung up on a weight for 2 weeks in a row then drop it by 10-20% and work back up.

    The accessory lifts I listed are just suggestions. You could swap them out for any lift that is comparable (by comparable, I mean that if it's a free weight exercise which hits the back and can be loaded heavily you can swap it for any other free weight exercise that hits the back and can be loaded heavily. I.E. Don't try to swap Narrow Grip Incline Bench Press with pec deck flyes)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited October 2014
    I would suggest starting strength and throw in your rehab exercises at then end. Order you do exercises should also matter. the response with the routine is more of an intermediate routine, kind of like Wendler 5/3/1, I suggest you max your gains on stronglifts or starting strength first, then move on to something like that.
  • I agree with Lofteren
    A lot of people, men and women are afraid to lift heavy weights. Honestly you don't get to be those huge guys at muscle beach. Those guys really really really work on that plus have diet (4000+ calories).
    the best way to get in shape and loose weight is to lift heavy weights. It doens't make you bulky unless you are doing over 5 hours a week and eating like a body builder. I think for me, being a women I do around 2-4 hours a week of weight lifting with squats deadlifts etc and Ive never been more proud of my body.
    You shouldn't be afraid to lift heavy free weights. You'll look and feel amazing. There's lots of youtube videos out there to show you how or you can always ask someone at the gym or a personl trainer.
    I was only doing cardio and i hit a wall, i wasn't loosing the weight I wanted to. Finally I started strength training my metabolism speed up and my body toned up and i just felt all around better.
    Lifting free weights really builds the all around muscles to be strong and burn fat and helps your body to be healthier vs just isolating certain muscles. You'll feel great!
    Lofteren wrote: »
    Where are the quality lifts? Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press, barbell row, pull ups and cleans are really all that you need to build a strong and impressive physique. If you have physique and strength goals I would do something like this:

    Squat: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    Leg Press: 3x10
    Hamstring Curl: 3x10
    Leg Extension: 3x10

    Bench Press: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    Narrow Grip Incline Bench Press: 3x10
    Barbell Row: 3x10
    Rear Delt Raises: 3x10

    Deadlift: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    DB Box Lunges: 3x10
    DB Row: 3x10
    Weighted Sit Ups: 3x10

    Overhead Press: Work up to heavy set of 5 reps + 3x10 w/ moderate weight
    DB Overhead Press: 3x10
    Lateral Raises: 3x10
    DB Curls: 3x10

    Start with weights that are somewhat difficult but that are light enough that you have acceptable form. Gradually increase the weights every week. If you get hung up on a weight for 2 weeks in a row then drop it by 10-20% and work back up.

    The accessory lifts I listed are just suggestions. You could swap them out for any lift that is comparable (by comparable, I mean that if it's a free weight exercise which hits the back and can be loaded heavily you can swap it for any other free weight exercise that hits the back and can be loaded heavily. I.E. Don't try to swap Narrow Grip Incline Bench Press with pec deck flyes)