Introduce Myself?

My name is actually Carolina. I have actually been a part of myfitnesspal for a few months now. I used to live in Rhode Island before I moved to Georgia a little over nine years ago. I love to dance and sing. I'm very artistcal. I love knitting, piano, guitars and art(pencils, pens, chalk you name it). I also love learning languages. I may not be very good at many of this things but I love learning them

But enough about that. About four years at about 17 years old I had gone from 132 which I had managed to keep for a long while to 152 but I managed to keep that weight until early 2012. When I started gaining up to 20lb a year. Ouch.

Around early 2012, I started having panic attacks. I had only had one before when I was thirthteen. But these were more frequent. I became afraid to leave the house or go to college. Just wanted to be around my sister or my mother. Since I didn't go out as much and since I was in college I gained weight. Because I was afraid of the next panic attack. Things got worse before they got better but here I am at 194lb. (Maybe less I broke my foot so I'm wearing a cast).I had gone from 150 -170 in 2012 and in 2013 170 to my highest of 196 earlier in January. That was when I decided I did not want to see 200lb. I managed to maintain my weight for most of the year. Still need to lose weight though. I'm only 5ft 1 and female. So it's been a pretty good year. Everything is turning alright. But I would like to ask for more help. Just to have an online support system besides my family.

So if you would like to add me as a friend I would like that very much.

Thank you to anyone who read the entire thing.

Also, I got myself a Fitbit earlier this year (Fitbit has helped my mood a lot) and have a Sparkpeople account. So if anyone would like to add me there just tell me.


  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Welcome- I have a fitbit too, love using it to increase my daily steps and try to get over 10k. I am near goal now but would love to help a "newbie". Can't add from my phone but feel free to add me if you like. Good luck :)
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    feel free to add me
  • I'm new too (kinda) lol, add me