80lbs to lose +

So heres whats up. i am currently 200-205 :( something pounds (haven't weighed myself in over a week) anyways I want to get to my goal weight of 120-130lbs

I am hoping to reach this by like june time.... is this possible? has anyone accomplished something like this? if so how... let me hear your stories

I always want to workout but i work everyday pretty much; 3p-1a and want to exercise in the morning, but to tired to get up... need motivation. HONESTLY! i was thinking of mixing up 21 day fix exercises and insanity and doing those 30 day challenges and stuff like that... (at home workouts)

also want to start eating more healthy, chicken, fish (i love!!!!) veggies (hate!) but got to eat. you get the point!

I would love to hear everyones stories that have accomplished losing around 80 lbs and how long did it take you? what was you eating like? cheat days? exercise? etc..
