trying to lose weight....but it seems like i'm gaining weigh

jenny_tan01 Posts: 9
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been eating less, maintaining less than 1200 calories a day, and I walk my dog 4 times a day for at least 15 to 20 mins, I'm on my feet for most of the day because I work at a daycare but I am gaining weight... is that normal?


  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    there's some that say when you go under 1200 calories, your body goes in to starvation mode and want to hold on to fat stores. I'm puzzled by this because how are you going to lose the weight if you don't lessen your intake??????

    I see you only have 11lbs to lose. you could probably take a water pill and eliminate 5lbs. the other 5lb with a colon cleanse. You look great - can't see why you need to lose weight. Good luck to you!
  • lightfit
    lightfit Posts: 3
    I don't think that you are eating enough. We would need to see what you are consuming throughout the day.
  • danyelle67
    danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
    I hear ya Jenny...I go to the gym and do zumba, eating 1200 and gaining weight. Good Luck to you ;)
  • 1200 is the number you need to keep your body working normally, any lower than that and it sends you into starvation mode, and your metabolism shuts down and your body starts storing all you're eating because it thinks you're malnourished and is saving up food to use later. I suggest increasing your calories, and trying to keep track of how much you burn when you are walking becuase you need a NET 1200 calories, meaning you even after you take away your exercise calories you need to have at least 1200 calories to fall back for your body to function.

    this is why people talk about eating back their exercise calories. One might stick to a 1300 calorie diet, but they exercise off 300 calories, their body is really only getting 1000 calories, so they eat back 300 of them so they still hare giving 1300 for their bodies to function. does that make sense?
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    there's some that say when you go under 1200 calories, your body goes in to starvation mode and want to hold on to fat stores. I'm puzzled by this because how are you going to lose the weight if you don't lessen your intake??????

    I see you only have 11lbs to lose. you could probably take a water pill and eliminate 5lbs. the other 5lb with a colon cleanse. You look great - can't see why you need to lose weight. Good luck to you!

    I don't think a water pill or a colon cleanse is the answer. It's a quick fix but you will gain it all back in a short period of time. How many calories were you eating before? try making sure that you get in 1200 calories/day. Also, if you work out longer you will burn more afterward and you could try adding in some strength training.
  • You must eat to loose, sounds like an oxy moron I know, but if you don't you will hold on to what you have. I don't eat less than 1200 but I try not to go too much over that either. Unless I workout. If I workout hard. Then I give myself a few extra calories. But I have to be really hungry. I don't just eat because I have them. I have to be hungry. I have really learned to pay attention to my body. Listen to what it is saying to me. Sometimes I am not hungry I just need water. You will know. I eat lots of lean proteins especially in the morning times. IT gets me through. I stay away from fake sugar. That will make you hungry and it's very bad for your body. I have learned all these things over time. I used to way as much as 275 . I am now 192 . I know what it is like to be 145 and gain it and gain most of it back. I am back now Almost where I want to be. It's a journey, not a quick fix. I am retraining my body and relearning new habits.

    So anyway, like I said. Try eating more protein especially in the A.M cut if you eat fake sugar , try cutting it . look for alternitves like Stevia or Organic cane sugar or Truvia. and get your calories in at least 1200 depending on your activity level and age. I am older. If I eat more, it tends to come off slowers.
    Take care. :flowerforyou:
  • beachesrnfa
    beachesrnfa Posts: 5 Member
    this may sound dumb but.....then why exercise if your gonna eat those calories back,,,,???
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    If you only have 11 pounds to lose you need to change you weight loss goal to 1 or better yet 1/2 a pound per week. Any more than that and you will have a hard time losing weight. Also, if you are in a job where you are on your feet you likely should have put you activity level at lightly active or active.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Make sure you are eating your exercise calories... you probably aren't eating enough for you body to lose.
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    this may sound dumb but.....then why exercise if your gonna eat those calories back,,,,???

    How can you expect your body to have enough fuel for exercise if you don't eat those calories? If you set yourself up for losing one pound per week on MFP, the website already gives you a 500 calorie deficit from your maintenance level--the level at which you would remain the same weight. If you exercise and don't eat those calories back, you might have a 750-1000 calorie deficit, which usually means you're not eating enough calories even to maintain enough energy for your body to simply lay around or sit all day. Awake or sleeping, our body burns calories through natural processes. If you're not feeding it enough to maintain those processes, your body comes to believe that it's in "starvation mode", and turns every new bit of food into fat because resources are scarce.

    Exercise tones you up, makes you healthy, releases endorphins and therefore improves your mood, makes you strong--that's enough reason to exercise.
  • Thanks guys for your tips... my activity level is at lightly active, I use to eat between 1300 to 1600 calories/day which isn't bad I guess but it was mostly the carbs that I was eating (ie rice pasta and breads), so i have cut down on my carb portions which has lowered my calorie intake. I would like to consider myself active, I walk my dog, I try to walk to work, I jump on my trampoline for at least 10 to 15 mins/day, so i'm still on understanding why I am gaining the weight, is it because I'm not eating enough and my body is in starvation mode? Oh, by any chance does anyone know how many calories you burn if you jump on a trampoline for at least 10 mins/ day?
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