HI, just joined.

I'm a 56 year old woman who have been on the diet roller coaster for years....in my early twenties I did not realize how good I had it. I only had to lose 25 lbs and when I did I looked great. The problem is I wasn't smart enough to realized I needed to work to keep it off. I've never been one to do fad diets, and my weaknesses are starchy food (potato chips...yum), and comfort foods. Almost two years ago, my husband and I began to adopt an organic lifestyle...and we began eating much healthier. I dropped 30 lbs almost without trying. My husband is a high metabolic, can eat a meal and two hours later be hungry again and he's still skinny (well other than a little middle age spread, but not bad). I on the other hand am a low metabolic who although not hungry because of the meal we had, will fix my hubby something and then would often eat it also. Anyway, over the course of the last year, I guess my body got used to organic eating, and I slowly put back of twenty of the thirty lbs. I lost.

I basically know what I need to do (cut down the starches (not out though...I've learned from experience that doesn't work...only makes me binge later), eat more fruits and veggies again, etc. and try to walk as much as I can between working an eight hour a day sit down job (I walk during breaks and lunch as much as possible), drink more water. I also drink some herbal teas, etc.

Anyway, what I'm mainly looking for is someplace where I can find the encouragement to keep on and don't give up. If I can find some tips and suggestions, that is welcome too.

I'm not sure of the age range of this site, I hope I'm not the only middle ager on here.

I tried to start the diary...isn't that where I would put in what I ate, drank, etc? I couldn't figure it out....any help there would be appreciates. (and Yes I realize it was probably under my nose and I didn't see it). I need to lose about eighty lbs total, and I read recently that having someplace to talk about it helps...so here I am.



  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    I'll be 50 in March and am happy to help in any way I can. Feel free to add me. ankdworak
  • Bethany4767
    Bethany4767 Posts: 6 Member
    I just joined yesterday. I'm 47 and have 40lbs to lose. My metabolism has dropped so much over the past couple of years that the weight won't come off like it used to but it goes on easily enough. Truly frustrating. I'm also looking for support to keep me on track. Add me to your friends if you like. Bethany4767
  • jmello51
    jmello51 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm 63 and joined about a month ago (needed to lose 20 pounds). Not coming off very easily. I'm working out and counting calories and in 30 days, only lost 3.8 pounds. Slowly, but surely! I wish you much success. Feel free to add me to your friends. I'll help if I can. Take care.
  • Thank you everyone!! Not sure how to friend, but I'll try to encourage you all as well. We can do this...

    Worked late tonight and what did my hubby do? Bought tacos (not the Taco bell kind...blech, but an old fashioned sort of taco place.

    No, we're not 100% organic...we do still like to eat out from time to time. Anyway, he knew I guess that coming home so late I wouldn't be up to cooking (will be doing some crock meals soon), so that was nice...but I had to grin to myself when I saw them. (And what did I just join this morning? ha-ha)....

    But one thing I've read several times and I find is true, is no matter what kind of day you have, if you've had a "bad" day, never let guilt get you...that is one of the worst defeaters of diets ever. If you choose to partake, just enjoy every bite and keep on the track. Don't fall off if you wobble a little bit.

    So I did just that. Tomorrow is a new day.