Sick and tired of being sick and tired!!

Well, I'm back again! I have used this app in the past and it works great " if you use it"!! I'm done losing the same 20 pounds over and over! I'm motivated to keep my goal of taking 1 day at a time. I have previously lost hope after not seeing instant results, which is why I always fail.. I'm not getting any younger, and I will be 40 in May, so I thought "what a great time to start!!" My goal is to be healthy and happy and I can't wait to start this journey


  • Gumbootannie
    This app IS great, I love it. I just started, and think this is a whole new way to be healthy for me.
  • RedLipsThinHips
    RedLipsThinHips Posts: 7 Member
    I absolutely love this app too! I've been falling in and out of using it regularly. When I'm logging everyday I definitely notice an improvement! Unfortunately, I've not been very good the last few months but im determined to do better! ! :D
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I had the same revelation, but will be 28 in May... I have used it before and it has worked. I wish you great luck on your journey. I know how hard it has been for me even this time around...