Can someone help?!!!

I'm dieting at the moment and losing weight fairly quickly. I've lost 2.5 stone so far but still want to lose around 3.5 more. I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some advice on how to improve the appearance of my tummy and hips. I'm just concerned that if I lose more weight I might end up with what everyone doesn't want after weight loss - loose skin.
Any suggestions would be helpful!
Any exercises, foods or supplements which might make a difference?
Thank you!!! :)


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    There are 2 things that can help you with loose skin - losing the weight slowly and building a little muscle underneath to help with appearance.

    Creams, supplements, foods, etc. are all smoke and mirrors.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Lift weights, start yesterday.
  • I have lost just over 6 stone in 14 months. When I started running and losing weight I ensured that I also did some sit up and weights 4 times a week. Not only does toning your muscles increase weight loss but it helps with the lose skin. Hope this helps
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    Well done on tthe weight loss so far, that's fantastic!
    Totally agree with the previous comments, try not to lose too fast and definitely incorporate strength training/weights. Supplements etc are completely faddy but what you can do is use a body scrub (as per directions) on these areas and after each shower/bath massage in a moisturiser - it doesn't have to be expensive, it is the massage action that helps. I am NOT promising miracles but it can help if done regularly.
    - Good luck with the rest of your journey, I wish you well!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Your weight loss will slow down significantly as your get closer to your goal weight and that will be the perfect time to incorporate strength training, if not now. Losing pounds definitely exposes the pretty shape you have underneath - but the strength and resistance training is what makes that body that you are slowly revealing - a strong beautiful one.

    Otherwise you lose all the weight but get the soggy bottom dilemma. ;)
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Whether or not you have loose skin is largely determined by genetics. Losing weight slowly and adding resistance training to your regime may help minimize it, and creams can make it look softer but won't get rid of it. Look to your mom. If she had a lot of stretchmarks, there's not a lot you can do about it outside of surgery, sorry.
  • Thanks all!
    I'll take everything you've said on board and hopefully see results! :)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    At age 19, your skin will probably bounce back just fine all on its own. Worry about something else! Nice work!
  • Lanamasha55
    Lanamasha55 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been doing planks, squats, and push ups daily. Increase the number of sets each day - it REALLY toned me and changed my life.