Down 6 dress sizes

edited October 2014 in Success Stories
I never really considered myself to be unhealthy. I was though, just in denial. I was soda and salty food obsessed. That all click one day months after my Gpas death. I began slowly eating clean and working out right. No crash dieting or crazy crap. I started with T25 and lost 20ish lbs. Then I began Lifting with Jamie Eason LivFit. I am now currently attending the local Crossfit and lift heavy at home.

I am down over 50lbs since my highest weight (not pregnant). I am down 6 dress sizes. I NEVER thought I would reach where I am. I am not shooting for a number on the scale but how my body looks/feels. I am hoping to compete in my first fitness competition in 2015 :) Words can not express how much I have changed. My greatest change has been my INNER self. To me, that is what matters most (though it honestly wasn't when I first started).


ANYONE...I mean ANYONE can accomplish more than they know. Stick with it! If you fall, pick yourself up and PRESS FORWARD! We are more able than we tend to give ourselves credit for. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! YOU can do it.
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