Weight Plateau

I joined MFP in January and have almost 100 days logged in!! I've lost 14 lbs and have been at a weight plateau for a month now. The good news is I haven't gained anything and my clothes definitely continue to fit better! It's amazing that I really haven't bought new clothes, they seemed to have "grown" and "shrunk" with me!! I have tried zig-zagging calories, upping cardio, alternating workouts, etc. Eating more is required, and I try really hard to eat my work out calories, but it is tough sometimes! I added the sodium counter to my food diary to better gauge where I might be going overboard! I'm going to keep it up and hopefully will continue to see success! Thank you for creating this sight! It's amazing how much I'm learning about portion size and finally understanding why I've been so unsuccessful in the past!!


  • patty6473
    patty6473 Posts: 24
    I am by no means claiming to be a doctor...but, I hit a plateau and starting taking ginseng. I don't know if it helps, but since I started taking it, I've lost 2lbs each week without changing my exercise or eating habits.
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I totally feel your frustration. I have been "Stuck" since January and have tried all those things and more. I tried adding vitamins and still nothing. Can't think of what to do to get off this plateau but it's gotta give sometime right!
  • fthoodbaby
    fthoodbaby Posts: 52 Member
    Having the same issue. I've tried everthing -- even went to the dr and had my thyroid checked. Currently at a 4 month plateau. :( Wish I could help.

    Patty, what is gingeng? Is it a pill form? I know there is ginseng tea but I'm not a tea drinker so that doesn't help me.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    When you say "Eating more is required, and I try really hard to eat my work out calories, but it is tough sometimes!" do you mean you have been successful at eating a little more or you haven't been able to accomplish this? Because that is the only thing I can think of that you haven't already tried. (Calorie zigzagging worked for me). Eat nutrient rich food in the full amount that MFP recommends for at least a week and see if that makes a difference.
  • patty6473
    patty6473 Posts: 24
    Yes, I take a ginseng pill twice a day. I bought them at the local "supercenter" in the vitamin isle. I just looked at the bottle and it boasts "General Stress Relief and Energy". I don't know if this played a role in defeating my most recent plateau, but it definitely hasn't hurt me~~~yet !:laugh:
  • Rodneymc4
    Rodneymc4 Posts: 62
    Having the same issue. I've tried everthing -- even went to the dr and had my thyroid checked. Currently at a 4 month plateau. :( Wish I could help.

    Patty, what is gingeng? Is it a pill form? I know there is ginseng tea but I'm not a tea drinker so that doesn't help me.


    Yes, you can get ginseng in a pill form or liquid. Check you local health food stores or GNC.
  • wmjrigo
    wmjrigo Posts: 69 Member
    I have hit several weight plateau’s during my journey. Each one took something completely different to break. First I lost 20 LBS just eating healthy and exercising. Hit a plateau. Then did weight watcher's, lost 10 more and hit a plateau. Then did H.I.I.T. and zig zag, lost 10 more and hit a plateau. I have also broken a plateau by eating whatever for a couple days and then getting back at it. Now I'm focusing more on strength training and doing cardio as a supplement. Just don't get discouraged and keep plowing.

    Google H.I.I.T. That may help break it.

    Good luck!
  • briones007
    Thanks for all the info!! I just now realized people had commented (haha). I was having problems eating so much "extra" or rather eating back exercise calories, but I think that I finally broke through the plateau. I lowered my calorie intake to 1250 a day and have a much easier time eating back the exercise calories. 3 weeks ago my husband and I started P90X!! I've already lost 3 inches (1 inch per leg and 1 on the waistline). I know that P90 isn't a weight loss program and you gotta shed the weight to see the toned body, but I think it's just what I needed to "shock" myself back into motion!!

    I've heard of ginseng and might look into it! My goal is to get into shape so that my first (and future) pregnancy will be easier (or so I hope). Some people say it's silly to loose weight just to gain it back but I truly believe that it's better to shed 25 lbs and gain back 20lbs, than it is to have stayed at my started weight and add on lbs!!

    Thanks again for the comments and let's keep up the good work!!