About to start Zoloft.



  • sheahughes
    sheahughes Posts: 133 Member
    I've been on Sertraline (non-brand Zoloft) for almost 10 years now. I started it after being diagnosed with depression when my son was 9 months old or so - it probably should have been diagnosed earlier and as PPD but that's a whole other story.

    I have both put on weight and successfully lost weight whilst on the Sertraline. Branded Zoloft made me feel like I was on uppers - I was sleeping very lightly, taking a long time to fall asleep and waking early as well as feeling as though my eyes were hot and gritty and then finally I had diarrhoea (ick!) I also felt as though I was perpetually smiling to the point my cheek muscles started to hurt.

    Anyway, back to Sertraline. Any weight gain whilst on Sertraline has been solely on me - STAHM to start with, no exercise and overeating plus junk food. Working Mum next, no exercise outside of work and overeating. Fast forward to 2010/2011 and I lost 20 kilos, dropped from size 16 jeans to size 10 and was exercising regularly and eating within 1800 calories a day.

    Then I got slack and stopped exercising/eating well and added a helluva lot of calories in the form of scotch after a bad breakup and piled the weight back on.

    Was Sertraline to blame? Nope. My weight loss and gains were my own. Personally, I think it would've been much worse if I wasn't on the Sertraline over that time. There have been some really low points when I've trialled going off it (with medical permission) and I've found that without it, I'm the type of person to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat.

    Good luck OP and all others who take medication to make it through each day.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Meds and their side-effects aside for a moment, be aware that a bit of depression does increase appetite. You can notice it near the onset. So unless you notice a sudden increase in appetite and weight gain when you start zoloft, its probably not going to be the reason for any gains you notice further down the track. Side effects tend to show up straight away and some times fizzle out as with many antidepressants such as nausea and dizziness. They are not likely to show up down the track.
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice I appreciate all the input. My mind is more at ease on the zolft.
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    Hi there, I was on Sertraline for a while and actually the opposite happened with me! I found I had very little appetite and unfortunately I had a really upset stomach (literally every time I ate). I lost 10lbs in two weeks and was taken off it. Weird as I had been fine with other ssri's. Anyway, just to say whilst weight gain is a risk with most ADs following a controlled diet with exercise it is possible to lose / maintain just slower. I say this having also been on mirtazipine and olanzipine known for 'gross weight gain' I did gain on those (not on the ssri's) but even then it was like 12lb and plateaued and I was then able to slowly lose. Overall your health is more important. Take care :)
  • Vina4
    Vina4 Posts: 23 Member
    I was on Zoloft (for PTSD) and while I don't remember weight gain. I do remember getting severe depression to the point of wanting to cut myself again that I hadn't had in forever. But, it could of been the combo for taking me off Trazadone and putting me on Zoloft. Needless to say I took myself off the Zoloft and put myself back on Trazdone. But, I also talked to my Dr;s nurse who said it was okay what I did as well. Then she scheduled me an appt. with my doctor later that week lol.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    All those meds are a crapshoot in terms of what side effects (if any) you'll get. I had really bad issues on other meds, but so far Zoloft has been weight neutral for me (I'm a few months into my second time on it). Of course my experience means nothing for you :) just keep an eye on things so you can mitigate any issues before they get out of hand.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I was on Zoloft for a while. I didn't gain any weight with it. However, part of that might be that all I wanted to do was sleep while I was taking it, haha.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I'm on a small dose of an SSRI. I did gain weight on it, but was glad to as my depression and anxiety had shut my appetite down and I had become positively scrawny.

    My depression and anxiety episode was bad enough that any weight gain was worth the positive effects of the SSRI. Your mental health and well-being need to come before your weight.
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Not sure if its a placebo or what. I'm already feeling some positive effects. My mind is clear. I'm not feeling depressed and my anxiety is almost non existent. Its been 7 days since I started. I have been having a really tough time falling and staying asleep since starting this med. My appetite is still the same as well as my weight but I'm expecting some weight gain since I'm bulking up at the moment. I'm really thankful for your replies. I will continue with this dose for a few more weeks and see how it goes.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I was on Effexor a few years ago and lost a lot of weight while I was on it. My physician was shocked because all of his other patients on it always gained, but I guess my depression was that bad. I did end up quitting the medication cold turkey (without tapering) and that was A. VERY. BAD. IDEA. So if you find you're not happy with the side effects, work with your doctor to switch to something else in a safe manner.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I gained a lot of weight on Zoloft, but it saved my life and sanity....soooo

    And really it still depends on calories in vs calories out....so just be careful on what you're eating and you should be okay.
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    I am on both Zoloft and Wellbutrin as well. Honestly, I wouldn't say its caused my weight gain- id say my lack of motivation has. Been on Zoloft for 2 months, and wellbutrin for over a year.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I've been on it since July. I haven't gained weight on it, I've continued losing weight. The only big side effect I noticed were jittery feelings every time I upped the dosage.