How do you dust yourself off after two days of binging?

say you had two days where you did REALLY good-- under 1,200 and two days where you did bad 2,100 and 2,400. I do relly mostly on my diet to lose weight because I have no gym membership or time to work out. I just feel awful and kind of want to eat everything in the pantry but I know I will just feel sick and worse after.


  • RockAShelley
    RockAShelley Posts: 53 Member
    Your always going to have good days and bad ones. But unless your under 5'4" 1200 calories really isn't enough for your day. The desire/urge to binge eat may stem from that.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    every day is an entity in and of itself. if you string them together, and think you can have an extra piece of pizza today and make up for it tomorrow, it becomes harder because you wake up feeling like you starting off already behind rather than at 0.

    when you wake up, you are at 0. that's it. each and every day. you go over one day. fine. tomorrow you start over.
  • alazio
    alazio Posts: 44 Member
    Read this:
    It's from a weight loss blogger on how to break out of the VERY COMMON "all or nothing" thinking we defeat ourselves with.
    Also, 2100 and 2400 are in the range of weight maintenance for most people. It takes 3600 extra calories to gain a pound. My guess is that you have stayed the same weight or had a small loss over the last 4 days.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    First, you have to get past the "good" and "bad" mindset. Being under 1,200 isn't "good" (you are eating too little) and being at 2,400 isn't "bad" (that's generally my intake every day. Just like there are no "good" foods and no "bad" foods. Well, unless the food is rotten or spoiled. LOL

    Second, if you ate 1200 for two days, and then 2100 and 2400, your average over the four days is 1,725, which isn't bad at all. That is why I try to look at weekly averages, instead of only looking at that one day.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Move on and maybe eat more than under 1200 calories. Binging tends to happen more often when you're hungry (BTW 2100 is my maintenance, I know everyone is different but don't beat yourself up over it).
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    The same way I did when I started, after several hundred, maybe even thousands of days of eating terribly. I just did it.
  • lizzyrose418
    lizzyrose418 Posts: 19 Member
    grimmeanor wrote: »
    The same way I did when I started, after several hundred, maybe even thousands of days of eating terribly. I just did it.

    ^^^ Love this!

    It sucks, you feel guilty/sick/bloated etc... but everybody slips up sometimes. Chug water and start again tomorrow!