Running beginner -stretches for preventing shin splints

Hi everybody! After a break if about 9 years I have decided to have another crack at running. I was never sporty but began running with my baby jogger ( she's now 10!) and even did a 5k fun run some years ago. I've just started doing the 5k training program and wondered if anyone had tips for avoiding shin splints...good pr or post stretches?


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    The biggest tip for avoiding shin splints is not to increase time/distance too rapidly and get good shoes.
    For warm up I do about 20 calf raises before running and walk on my heels for about 30 seconds. Sometimes I also do feet circles to warm up my ankles, you can do this or flex and point your feet. After the run and cool down do a more static stretch. If you stand on a curb or step with your heel hanging off it's another good way to stretch your calf. You can also do a calf stretch by getting in the position of downward dog and put weight on each foot stretching the calves separately.

    Good luck!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    izziwizzi wrote: » for avoiding shin splints...

    There are a number of things that can cause shin splints, so if you're not suffering from them now then it's a bit moot.

    The main thing for avoiding any injury is to progress reasonably, don't push yourself too hard or for too long, then as you increase try to limit it to about 10% per week, or less.

    I generally avoid pre-run stretching, and spend a fair amount of time afterwards doing static stretches. The value is debated, but it seems to be good for me.

    Personally I wouldn't worry about shoes until you're 4-5 weeks into the plan, by which time you'll have settled to a sustained running style and the shop staff will be better able to advise you. Until then it's a moveable feast.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Yup, shin splints tend not to be a muscular injury, so stretching won't really do much to help them. They're more a stress injury, most often caused by - as others have said - too much too soon, or wearing unsupportive shoes.

    If you're doing the Couch to 5k program, great. Just follow the programme and make sure you take the rest days to give your muscles and joints time to recover. I agree with MeanderingMammal re: shoes, but it's worth stressing that you probably shouldn't be running in pumps or 'fashion' trainers. Even if you don't want to invest in a decent pair of properly fitted specialist running shoes to start with, I still recommend picking a good, cushioned cross trainers to get started. When you start running further, get yourself to a specialist running shop and have someone assess your 'gait'. They'll put you on a treadmill and watch/video you run, then recommend the best shoes for your feet.

    Back to stretching, which won't really do much for shin splints, but is still important to avoid other injuries, try not to do 'static' stretches before a run - save those for after. Instead, warm up your muscles by doing 'dynamic' stretches or gentle jogging for a few minutes. By 'dynamic' stretches, I mean 'moving' stretches like swinging your legs out in front and to the side, rotating your shoulders, jumping up and down, calf raises etc, as opposed to 'standing still' stretches like pulling your foot to your bum to stretch the quads, or sitting on the floor and reaching your toes.

    You can do static stretches afterwards to smooth out the muscle fibres and ensure you don't tighten up. Make sure to hold em for a decent amount of time!
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I also really like using a foam roller, I don't know that it helps prevent shin splints, but it has greatly helped with soreness all around, and my PT friend recommended using one to prevent IT band injury.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I sit on a bench, hold my leg out in front of me and trace the alphabet with my toes.
  • Laurochka
    Laurochka Posts: 140 Member