Does alcohol cause weight gain...even if under 1200 cals/day

I was just curious...I stay within 1200 cals/per day, but I usually include a glass or two of wine per night or every other night. Does alcohol cause slow weight loss???? How about diet soda???? Something has got to be causing my slooooowwww weight loss. Any info would be great!


  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im not sure about drinking every night, but I drink once a week usally and have had no problems losing weight.I also drink diet soda every day
  • exsacken
    exsacken Posts: 10
    Options 50 lbs lost..congratulations!!!
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i will have at least one drink usually to unwind, plus a lite beer is quite filling and sometimes help me stay away from snacking in the evening....ia few years ago i did Weight watchers and lost 36 lbs and used my points for drinks too and I drink now with mfp and have lost 20 so far. As long as you have the calories...i say tip some back my friend ! :drinker:
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Technically it shouldn't, but there are a lot of opinions out there regarding the matter. A calorie is a calorie.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Alcohol is empty calories and so is diet soda - it's not worth it...:wink:
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    Yeah Alcohol makes it REALLY hard to lose weight. I would cut it to one night a week, if that. I quit drinking all together because of an allergy to sugar and the weight started falling off. I drink diet coke too sometimes. I dunno that's just me
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    Alcohol can slow your metabolism by 73% so maybe cut the wine down to a couple of days a week, or save it for nights where you're eating a light dinner!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I drink both alcohol and diet soda. Count it just the same as my food and have lost almost 30 pounds now. I don't drink either every day. So maybe if you cut back a bit you will see some results. Good luck!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Would have to see your diary to know for sure, but without that I would say that you need to make sure you don't waste your calories on a cookie and then skip dinner because of that. You need healthier food choices throughout the day. If you can eat 3 small meals and two snacks per day that is best. Don't eat food after 8 pm (or within 2 hours of going to bed). I can't knock the alcohol as I enjoy a gin & diet tonic almost every night! As an excuse, it is only a half a shot of gin (33 calories) with diet tonic (0 calories).
  • TwistedBanana
    Alcohol is metabolized differently than other foods and beverages. Under normal conditions, your body gets its energy from the calories in carbohydrates, fats and proteins that need to be slowly digested in the stomach—but not when alcohol is present. When alcohol is consumed, it gets special privileges and needs no digestion. The alcohol molecules diffuse through the stomach wall as soon as they arrive and can reach the brain and liver in minutes. This reaction is slightly slowed when there is also food in your system, but as soon as the mixed contents enter the small intestine, the alcohol grabs first place and is absorbed quickly. The alcohol then arrives at the liver for processing. The liver places all of its attention on the alcohol. Therefore, the carbohydrates (glucose) and dietary fats are just changed into body fat, waiting to be carried away for permanent fat storage in the body. yes it might cause you to lose weight a little slower, but it's not necessarily bad and in moderation it won't cause weight gain.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Options 50 lbs lost..congratulations!!!

  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Alcohol slows metabolisim 73%. For people who have a drink to unwind try a cup of tea. I used to have a drink too- but now I drink tea (non- caffinated) and it does the same thing.
  • exsacken
    exsacken Posts: 10
    Wow...I didn't realize I would get all this awesome info. Now I am a little upset...I have to give up the cookies and wine...haha! No, it's time to change up what I eat. I eat only 1200 cals/per day, but what I eat is complete crap...all sugar and food diary is embarrassing. I guess it's time for a little change, maybe this will help me lose more than 2 pounds/per month and a half. Thanks everyone!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Alcohol slows metabolisim 73%. For people who have a drink to unwind try a cup of tea. I used to have a drink too- but now I drink tea (non- caffinated) and it does the same thing.

    So, if it lowers your metabolism by 73%, how long does this lowered state last? Just until the alcohol is out of your system? (one hour per drink?)

    I wonder what would happen if you had 3 lite beers and replaced a meal with that (that could be 300-400 calories), and drank tons of water, did not have a "midnight snack" before bed like so many drinkers do - how that would affect the scale and the metabolism and all of that?

    Obviously, replacing a meal with empty calories and alcohol would not be good if done frequently - I'm talking once a week or once every other week - would this be a reasonable tactic for a person who wanted to enjoy a few drinks and not sabotage their weight loss?
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I drink once a week. Yes it slows things down and it takes me a day or two to get back on track, but I am still losing.
  • exsacken
    exsacken Posts: 10
    I have to admit that if I actually ate FOOD instead of drinking my calories..I probably wouldn't be so hungry all the time. I am hungry right now, but the glass of wine won instead of tasty food. By the way....all those low-calorie progresso and Campbell's select soups taste HORRIBLE!! Yuck!!!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    If you only have 8 lbs to lose and you've lost 2 in 3 weeks, I think you are doing great! With that little to lose, it's bound to be slow.
    Do you eat your exercise calories? If you don't, try eating them. If you do, try cutting back on eating them by 1/3. You have to find what works for you. A glass of wine every couple days shouldn't hurt you as long as you are eating well otherwise....
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I have to admit that if I actually ate FOOD instead of drinking my calories..I probably wouldn't be so hungry all the time. I am hungry right now, but the glass of wine won instead of tasty food. By the way....all those low-calorie progresso and Campbell's select soups taste HORRIBLE!! Yuck!!!

    I would definitely start swapping out some of your foods with more healthy, whole foods that will help you stay nurished! We all love cookies but they might not be the best choice for breakfast. :wink:
  • mskatec22
    mskatec22 Posts: 138 Member
    I don't have much more to add in terms of whether or not alcohol causes weight gain...I think the answer is "yes" just like everything else we consume, if not burned off...will lead to weight gain.
    My feeling about alcohol is, if you're not happy with giving it up, don't. Any changes you make to lose weight that you're unhappy with will just backfire. I still drink a lite beer or a glass a wine a few times a week and my weight is coming off gradually. I don't have any plans to cut alcohol or anything else I crave for that matter from my diet. Everything in moderation!!:drinker: