Sunken in face

Ok, now I'm feeling alittle concered. Saw my youngest sister past Sun. And like everyone else she noticed my weight loss, and like the rest of them she said it's really showing in my face and not in a good way. Also saw my daughter since maybe 4 weeks, she told me I need to eat more, my face is sunken in, and it didn't look healthy.
So that's made almost my whole family, kinda thought after loosing close to 30 lbs I would hear some more compliments. But all I've really heard was too skinny and sunken in face. I thought I would at least hear something like your looking great. Anyway I don't really want to try to put back on alittle for my face (which I do see what they are talking about. But I'm afraid of where those calories would park themselves. I am concerned the would go to my belly, which is were I feel I still need to loose those remaining couple lbs. not sure how to go about getting rid of that sunken in face. Anyone else have kinda a situation like this and if so how did you handle it?


  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I think you need to do what is best for you. If you feel you need to drop a few more pounds than go ahead. I don't think your family is used to seeing you this way, they haven't seen you this way for some time. I bet they will get used to it.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    sadly, along with extra fat comes a baby face, which we lose when we lose the weight. we start looking more our age... i have crows feet now i didnt have 6 months ago....

    i think like libby said, they are just not used to the change.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    edited October 2014
    After you're done with your weight loss, get a makeover. Change your haircut, get some highlights, wear a different colored lipstick... people will just notice there's something different making you look better and assume it's the makeover. Then, they'll get used to the new skinnier you and all people will notice is how fab you look!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    The face is usually the last thing to look sunken and terrible in people with eating disorders.

    Sometimes people tell us we are getting too skinny because they think it's "nice" to say. Sometimes they say it because it's freaking true.

    I suggest a visit to the doctor. He will either agree with you that you're a healthy, normal weight so that you can go back to the family and say, "So, blah!" or he will tell you that you are too skinny.

    Do you already suspect, in your heart of hearts, that you are too skinny? Even if you want to she'd a little more fat, do you think other people would say, "She's too skinny!" I'm not actually asking for you to reply. Just a little food for thought.

    Take care and stay safe. :)

  • ladystarr
    I recommend retail therapy - break open that piggy bank and head down to a really nice store or two and get some things for yourself. Spend time at the cosmetics counters, maybe get a professionally applied make over if that's your thing. Some newer trendier cloths will highlight the *now* you rather than the *old* you. You're worth it!

    This guy knows what's up! :D

  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    The face is usually the last thing to look sunken and terrible in people with eating disorders.

    Sometimes people tell us we are getting too skinny because they think it's "nice" to say. Sometimes they say it because it's freaking true.

    I suggest a visit to the doctor. He will either agree with you that you're a healthy, normal weight so that you can go back to the family and say, "So, blah!" or he will tell you that you are too skinny.

    Do you already suspect, in your heart of hearts, that you are too skinny? Even if you want to she'd a little more fat, do you think other people would say, "She's too skinny!" I'm not actually asking for you to reply. Just a little food for thought.

    Take care and stay safe. :)

    This is not necessarily true. The first thing my mom gets skinny is her face, even if she's got PLENTY of stomach, thigh, butt, arm fat to lose. As people start to get older they have less collagen in their faces (which is what keeps the skin looking plump and young), you don't have to be ancient either, levels just start decreasing over the years. So, if you've recently lost a lot of weight the skin may look "sunken" because there isn't enough collagen as there was before to make it look plump, and now you don't have the fat either. Also, people may just not be used to seeing you like this. You can have a perfectly healthy weight, BMI, etc.. and if you lost a lot of weight it WILL take some time for people to get used to seeing you like this.

    As soon as I lose ten pounds people start complimenting me on how great I look, and when I tell them I still have 50 pounds to lose they say "you're totally crazy". Ummm no lady I'm not crazy, I weigh 182 and then they go "what?!?" and then I say "i wear a size 14 pant" and then they go double "what?". So, don't necessarily take people's "opinions" too seriously. I call it sabotage! They're just used to seeing you overweight, they'll get over it.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I had one co worker tell me my face looks "gaunt" now. And another one said I "only have a small face so I shouldn't lose any more weight". Neither statement is accurate. I just no longer have a "moon face". And you can see my bone structure again. I also second the posts stating it takes time for people to adjust to seeing the changes in you. If you feel you look good then just ignore the comments. I tend to follow the nod, smile, & completely disregard method.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish Posts: 831 Member
    edited October 2014
    Everyone loses weight from different areas first, maybe you lost more proportionately in your face and need to lose more for the rest of the body to catch up. Unfortunately it is true that when you lose weight, you can usually tell age better. But really, you can do what people above said to change your look, and isn't it better to be healthier, feel and look younger in your body than have a fat filled face that your family (but probably not most people) mistake for "looking healthy"? Maybe a rounder face hides wrinkles well, but a big round body doesn't exactly scream young and healthy...
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    I have to thank each of you for a reply, I think I should be about ready to move into maintenance soon. Concerned about that belly area, but need to remind myself it can't be too bad if my new Size 0 and 2 are having trouble staying up on me. As for the make over I've done that several months ago, along with new summer cloths, and I'm growing my hair out to try something new and natural looking. Alimony ended and I'm not able to work a lot of hours, so I'm afraid Macys and the Mac counter, along with my hair dresser are pretty much out if the question. Something I really have to get used to.
    I appreciate your advice!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    I have to thank each of you for a reply, I think I should be about ready to move into maintenance soon. Concerned about that belly area, but need to remind myself it can't be too bad if my new Size 0 and 2 are having trouble staying up on me. As for the make over I've done that several months ago, along with new summer cloths, and I'm growing my hair out to try something new and natural looking. Alimony ended and I'm not able to work a lot of hours, so I'm afraid Macys and the Mac counter, along with my hair dresser are pretty much out if the question. Something I really have to get used to.
    I appreciate your advice!
    If the size 0 is falling off AND your family tells you that they're afraid you're becoming unhealthy, it's really time to see the doctor. Especially with all you've been through, it's a good idea.

    Good luck to you!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2014
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    , need to remind myself it can't be too bad if my new Size 0 and 2 are having trouble staying up on me.

    So your loved ones describe your face as sunken in and you think size 0/2 falling down is a good thing. I checked your profile and you haven't posted pics of the new you - which isn't necessary but you do have before shots up

    This sounds like someone in need of medical advice to me - please consult a doctor
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    , need to remind myself it can't be too bad if my new Size 0 and 2 are having trouble staying up on me.

    So your loved ones describe your face as sunken in and you think size 0/2 falling down is a good thing. I checked your profile and you haven't posted pics of the new you - which isn't necessary but you do have before shots up

    This sounds like someone in need of medical advice to me - please consult a doctor

    Thanks for your suggesting a dr. But I had already thought of that and had a full work up about two weeks ago. I mentioned to her about my calorie intake, anyway long story short I ended up with a clean bill of health
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Eat chocolate
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Eat chocolate

    That cannot be your solution for everything! ;):smiley:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    Ok, now I'm feeling alittle concered. Saw my youngest sister past Sun. And like everyone else she noticed my weight loss, and like the rest of them she said it's really showing in my face and not in a good way. Also saw my daughter since maybe 4 weeks, she told me I need to eat more, my face is sunken in, and it didn't look healthy.
    So that's made almost my whole family, kinda thought after loosing close to 30 lbs I would hear some more compliments. But all I've really heard was too skinny and sunken in face. I thought I would at least hear something like your looking great. Anyway I don't really want to try to put back on alittle for my face (which I do see what they are talking about. But I'm afraid of where those calories would park themselves. I am concerned the would go to my belly, which is were I feel I still need to loose those remaining couple lbs. not sure how to go about getting rid of that sunken in face. Anyone else have kinda a situation like this and if so how did you handle it?

    Yes, people will comment that I've lost a lot of weight (44 lbs). Some say I look great, others say I'm too thin, and still others say I look like I'm still losing weight.

    I've been maintaining for a year now and I look fine. I have no plans to lose more weight, but I also have no plans to gain. I just allow them to have their opinion and continue on my journey.

    Is your profile picture you now? If so, you look wonderful.

  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    There are a lot muscles in your face. If you've been neglecting minimum protein requirements and doing lots cardio, your face will look sunken in. As you get older, the muscle loss is usually higher too.

    I'd suggest eating at your TDEE for a few months, hit the daily minimum requirements for protein/fat, combined with all resistance exercises and no cardio.

    Your face and body composition will improve quickly.
  • cocomoke
    Maybe up your water intake will help a little, hydrated skin looks fresher good luck :smile:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    , need to remind myself it can't be too bad if my new Size 0 and 2 are having trouble staying up on me.

    So your loved ones describe your face as sunken in and you think size 0/2 falling down is a good thing. I checked your profile and you haven't posted pics of the new you - which isn't necessary but you do have before shots up

    This sounds like someone in need of medical advice to me - please consult a doctor

    Thanks for your suggesting a dr. But I had already thought of that and had a full work up about two weeks ago. I mentioned to her about my calorie intake, anyway long story short I ended up with a clean bill of health

    You misunderstand, you sound like you have, or are developing, a disordered way of thinking about body image / body dysmorphia and from your words it sounds like you need psychological help
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Adpalangi wrote: »
    , need to remind myself it can't be too bad if my new Size 0 and 2 are having trouble staying up on me.

    So your loved ones describe your face as sunken in and you think size 0/2 falling down is a good thing. I checked your profile and you haven't posted pics of the new you - which isn't necessary but you do have before shots up

    This sounds like someone in need of medical advice to me - please consult a doctor

    Thanks for your suggesting a dr. But I had already thought of that and had a full work up about two weeks ago. I mentioned to her about my calorie intake, anyway long story short I ended up with a clean bill of health

    You misunderstand, you sound like you have, or are developing, a disordered way of thinking about body image / body dysmorphia and from your words it sounds like you need psychological help

    Thank you for your reply, even if it comes to be incorrect , I still Appreciate your time and your reply. Due to bipolar and severe depression I see my therapist 1X a week and my Psy 1 every three months, (having some side effect from my meds! And I should be seeing her once a month, but just can't afford it). I have been under this type of care for many years. The two drs I have right now, I've been seeing for about three years, and they both are so much better than the many drs I've seen over the last 16 yrs. I have discussed my weight loss and calorie count to both of them. (Also needed to verify that this would not effecting my meds) Neither one of them even mentioned a eating disorder. Like I said I see my therapist once a week and she is very good. We discuss about everything, she knows my calorie intake and goals, no question of a eating disorder. I trust both of these drs with great respect. I did have a brief discussion with my Psy about the meds, no problem there. Not sure why I felt to give you this personal information. I guess it just angers me, that someone I've never met feels like they should tell me it sounds like a eating disorder, what makes you think so? Until now you have known barely anything at all about my situation. Do you think you should be offering such advice, when your not licensed to do so. I'm going to listen more to my drs than to someone online that I don't even know.