Having gallbladder problems

The pain is horrible! I'm doubled over feeling like I'm going to die! I went to the doctor earlier this week and I have some tests scheduled for Tuesday. Anyone have any advice for me? It's hard for me to keep food down, but when I don't eat, there's errr...bile coming out instead. I'm trying a bland/crude diet, but the rice and saltines aren't really satiating me.


  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    Before I had my gall bladder taken out, dairy and fatty/greasy foods were what set off the attacks, which is pretty typical from what I understand. I would try to avoid them, but other things should be ok, I would think.

    I hope the tests go well and you get some answers soon!
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    No advice. Just a hug. Pain sucks! I hope you feel better very soon.
  • jaytay214
    jaytay214 Posts: 13 Member
    I had the same issue. Plain apples, bananas, and pastas. Try to let your system settle before you start in on solids if youre nervous about it. You can do it!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    laurenjill sorry to hear about your health concerns. I read somewhere recently a fatty liver was one thing that lead to so many gallbladder removals.

    The rheumatologist wanted me to research Enbrel and consider doing the weekly shots for pain control related to my AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis) and since the cancer risk is so real with that drug I really did not want to go there. In the process of doing many hours of research some claimed good pain management with coconut oil of all things.

    Since there was a bottle of drink mix that was mainly coconut oil and sugar in the frig I decided to try it at once. Learned the sugar was not good and got some real coconut oil to try. Then ketosis keep popping up in my research. I know coconut oil is not required for ketosis but since it or perhaps it is cutting carbs to about 20 grams a day has taken my pain from 7-10 to more like 2-3 I am hooked on living on ketones.

    Sorry I do not have an answer for you. While I have a medical background from my OD degree I only advice myself. Just google way and you can find the same info that I have found about coconut oil and different medical conditions. I lean towards more technical medical studies but heck I read it all. I do know coconut oil is not magic and some day I will die (63 currently) but I have decided to try and learn to be as healthy as possible the rest of my life. I just started about 45 years late.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Ouch! Hope you feel better soon.
  • DBBA21
    DBBA21 Posts: 104 Member
    edited October 2014
    I had gallstones for just over 12 years before having my gallbladder removed. I was really lucky and my attacks were infrequent although extremely painful when they happened. When in significant pain I found plain bread the only thing I could tolerate. A friend found a cracker spread thinly with seedless jam helped her.

    If you are able to have your gallbladder removed then I would say have it done. I had keyhole surgery & it went fine few little side effects but no pain.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I had my first gallbladder attack at 19 and got my gallbladder out at 33. Early on the attacks were random, During the middle they were brought on by greasy foods. By the last few months, ANYTHING would bring them on, even if I didn't eat any fat at all. By the time I was vomiting bile I couldn't keep ANYTHING down. If you're this sick, keep an eye on your temperature and if your temp goes up or it's really painful and the attack doesn't stop GO TO THE ER. I wound up having mine taken out with emergency surgery and I was septic due to the gallbladder rupturing like an appendix. If I had waited to see my doctor for a scheduled test, I would have died.
  • laurenjill
    laurenjill Posts: 94 Member
    I had my first gallbladder attack at 19 and got my gallbladder out at 33. Early on the attacks were random, During the middle they were brought on by greasy foods. By the last few months, ANYTHING would bring them on, even if I didn't eat any fat at all. By the time I was vomiting bile I couldn't keep ANYTHING down. If you're this sick, keep an eye on your temperature and if your temp goes up or it's really painful and the attack doesn't stop GO TO THE ER. I wound up having mine taken out with emergency surgery and I was septic due to the gallbladder rupturing like an appendix. If I had waited to see my doctor for a scheduled test, I would have died.
    Oh, dear! Hope you're better now! I was running a slight fever last night, but I'm not today. I'll definitely keep your advice in mind, though!
  • whilehesaway
    Hey I had my gallbladder out a few years ago. I wasn't overweight or anything and was not middle aged as is most common, so it took them a while to believe it was gallstones, but they did in the end and snipped it out! Eggs and cheese were the worst for me so avoid them.

    However have you heard about non surgery methods? I hadn't until after I'd had it. There's things like gallbladder cleanses you can do and some people swear by it. I think I would have tried it before going for surgery as it's painful and also I'd rather not have the side effects. However it's whatever you feel is best, but maybe google non surgery options so you know all of your choices :)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Don't eat greasy food and even moderate good fats till you get it resolved, get some cal mag solution and take that, it will help.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I hope that you are feeling better. I had my gallbladder removed a long time ago. I didn't fit the profile. I was 27, skinny and in good health otherwise. But, filled with stones.

    Looking back, the food item that seemed to trigger my attacks was fat.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    laurenjill wrote: »
    The pain is horrible! I'm doubled over feeling like I'm going to die! I went to the doctor earlier this week and I have some tests scheduled for Tuesday. Anyone have any advice for me? It's hard for me to keep food down, but when I don't eat, there's errr...bile coming out instead. I'm trying a bland/crude diet, but the rice and saltines aren't really satiating me.

    I had the same thing happen to me. I did not want mine taken out but the surgeon told me that it would just get worse which it did. When I had horrible attacks I would get in a hot tub. With water as hot as i could stand. It helped distract me from the pain a little.

    After I had mine cut out I saw a tv show about a treatment center in UK. They had the patients change their diet to natural foods. Whole foods like plants and no extra fats. The people they filmed seems to have less attacks over time. I wish I had tried that before I let them cut mine out.

    I now believe that processed foods are really hurting us. I think we need to eat more fruit, veggies and lean protein. whenever possible.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    I know the pain you feel. I just had my gallbladder removed in May. I was so used to the pain, I couldn't believe how good I felt once it was removed, and I no longer had pain in my side. Wishing you well, hope your test results come back fast, so that you can get the treatment you need to get on the path to being pain free.
  • Mamahana82
    If the pain is not going away and you are doubling over in pain and can't keep food down, go to the ER. You may have a gallstone stuck in your bile duct. If the stone is stuck, it won't pass without intervention. Instead it will cause an infection and possibly spread to your pancreas. You can live without a gallbladder. But you NEED your pancreas. Go to the hospital.

    I speak from experience. I landed in the hospital for three days doing two separate procedures to remove the stone and then the gallbladder.
  • Mamahana82
    Kiyy wrote: »
    laurenjill wrote: »
    The pain is horrible! I'm doubled over feeling like I'm going to die! I went to the doctor earlier this week and I have some tests scheduled for Tuesday. Anyone have any advice for me? It's hard for me to keep food down, but when I don't eat, there's errr...bile coming out instead. I'm trying a bland/crude diet, but the rice and saltines aren't really satiating me.

    I had the same thing happen to me. I did not want mine taken out but the surgeon told me that it would just get worse which it did. When I had horrible attacks I would get in a hot tub. With water as hot as i could stand. It helped distract me from the pain a little.

    After I had mine cut out I saw a tv show about a treatment center in UK. They had the patients change their diet to natural foods. Whole foods like plants and no extra fats. The people they filmed seems to have less attacks over time. I wish I had tried that before I let them cut mine out.

    I now believe that processed foods are really hurting us. I think we need to eat more fruit, veggies and lean protein. whenever possible.

    Diet is responsible for most of it, but if your gallbladder is a sack full of stones, they are better off removing it altogether. Those stones don't usually dissolve once they are there. But otherwise, I agree with this.
  • cranberrytape
    cranberrytape Posts: 29 Member
    Avoid fat as much as humanly possible. This includes dairy, most meats, and anything greasy. Also avoid spicy food. And go to the ER if you develop a fever or other signs of infection, as this could indicate a serious obstruction.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Not only eating fat. Anything you eat makes the gallbaldder contract, my doctor told me. I was getting the pain from even eating an apple! You will be better after the removal.