Sprained my ankle bad - Depress...

Over the last 4 months, I've been good with my weight loss regiment. Went to the gym and hit it hard without missing a day. Diet could be better but so far it has been working.

Today, I decided to go play basketball instead of going to the gym for my leg day (bring on the meme, I was planning to make it up tomorrow). The first day I skipped going to the gym... I sprained my ankle on the court. Now I can't even work on my legs or do cardio for at least two weeks.

I haven't missed a day. I worked out through a bad flu. I didn't give myself any excuse and dragged myself through the gym. But this... I'm just afraid that if I skip for two weeks, I won't be able to get back the same motivation.

Pardon my ranting but I just need to vent somewhere. You guys may think that missing two weeks is not a big deal but it's pretty important to me. I just feel like I will go back to my old self making excuses and procrastinate.


  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    During those two weeks just work on your upper body with weights. You can catch up with your legs later. When I sprained my ankle bad I just did the rowing machine for cardio since I didn't have to use my ankles for that.
  • Dgydad
    Dgydad Posts: 104 Member
    Do whatever you can w/o aggravating the ankle injury, while it heals. Care for it assiduously to minimize the recovery time. And while you do that, ratchet up the diet. The extra effort on the diet helps affirm your determination to the "new" you....
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    trungalung wrote: »
    Pardon my ranting but I just need to vent somewhere. You guys may think that missing two weeks is not a big deal but it's pretty important to me. I just feel like I will go back to my old self making excuses and procrastinate.

    I can relate to that. I am about to travel for nearly that long and I'm not worried for the trip but was worried about going back to old habits when I return.

    I started to look at it as a challenge to not do that. An opportunity to show that I have more commitment than that. That I am a grown up who can identify priorities and make decisions accordingly.

    The more I thought about it the less scared I got. Now I am just excited to do it!

    I once read a very wise statement on here, it was something to the effect of "don't let perfect be the enemy of good". We all have to learn we are capable of weathering life's changes and don't have to flip out and just give up. Don't want to go back to your old self? Decide you won't. Meditate on that. You did these past 4 months, you can can do these next three weeks!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Can tounotusethe time to strengthen your resolve rather than weaken it??? There really is no option but to rest the sprain - anything else will lengthen the recovery time. If you change your viewpoint to one of opportunity to prove you can do it rather than you will fail, you wil be in a better position in the future! Grasp the opportunity!!!
  • trungalung
    You guys are right. I should embrace this and strengthen myself mentally. The hardest thing will be lowering my calorie consumption since I won't be doing much cardio. I'll also start a new split routine around upper body only (bent over barbell roll will be a pita). Luckily, my legs are naturally strong so the catch up will be quick after my ankle heals.