Back at it after years! Seeking VEGAN friends for encouragement :)


After falling off the MFP wagon I became vegan for ethical reasons. That cruelty free and far better lifestyle rewarded me with almost 50 lbs of lost weight just be being aware of what I am consuming, cutting out the "fake" food, and eating based on my spirit not my taste buds. After a year and a half my weight loss has stopped. Part to blame is my discovery of many vegan options I am lucky to have in my city.

By no means am I an extremist. I believe all people are on their own path and embrace veganism to the best of their ability. I am not looking to be monitored by the Vegan Police! What I am looking for are other vegans who are seeking a back and forth system of support and advice with a like minded individual.

So if you could help me build my friends list back up I would love to share ideas and experiences on living a healthy compassionate lifestyle.


  • highcarbveganzombie
    Hey there, I'm vegan. Feel free to add me. :)
  • moonbeamgirl
    moonbeamgirl Posts: 4 Member
    HI I am looking for a few vegan friends on a similar journey. I did this primarily as an ethical choice and health next. I need to lose 30 lbs. I lost a bunch then added it back on. So frustrating. add me :) Laurie
  • Gemini159
    Gemini159 Posts: 30 Member
    Sent you a friend request! I've gone all plant based too!