Have certain foods ever surprised you with their calorie content? Good or bad?



  • vismundcygnus27
    vismundcygnus27 Posts: 98 Member
    Skin-on dark meat chicken, and fattier cuts of pork! I still eat both all the time, because a) those cuts are much cheaper and I am broke mother-f***er, and b) a life without pork and dark meat is a life not worth living IMO, but I've compensated with more reasonable portion sizes.
  • The salmon tostada salad at Bahama Breeze is over 1,200 calories and so is the salmon salad at Cafe Rio.
  • mikatoofly
    mikatoofly Posts: 24 Member
    My ribeye from longhorns 630 cals for a piece of meat no sauce.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    When I think of it now, i shouldn't have been surprised but wonder winders sweets 350/370 calories each! I'd sit and eat two without thinking twice before.
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    Subway sandwiches.

    To be honest, it makes sense that the bread has a lot of calories but... 650+ depending on what you choose for a 12 inch? :/

    At least I did my research first so I could make the best decision there but still! I'd want a sandwich for less!

    Bread, in general, I find crazy that it has so many calories. Because it's such a normal thing to eat! It's not something we are 'taught' to only have in moderation, most the time we hear it's what we should settle our hunger in.

    And most shocking is, imo, that it's so rarely worth it. Except if it like gourmet bread, it's basically just a vehicle for the actual delicious things. Soooo not worth it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    amblight wrote: »
    Subway sandwiches.

    To be honest, it makes sense that the bread has a lot of calories but... 650+ depending on what you choose for a 12 inch? :/

    At least I did my research first so I could make the best decision there but still! I'd want a sandwich for less!

    Bread, in general, I find crazy that it has so many calories. Because it's such a normal thing to eat! It's not something we are 'taught' to only have in moderation, most the time we hear it's what we should settle our hunger in.

    And most shocking is, imo, that it's so rarely worth it. Except if it like gourmet bread, it's basically just a vehicle for the actual delicious things. Soooo not worth it.

    Because most breads here have sugar in them. Totally unnecessary too. If you buy fresh French baguette, for example, 200 calories worth is way more satisfying and filling than prepackaged/chain bread. Honestly what stops me from eating at Subway is that the bread just isn't worth the calories.
  • brooks124u
    brooks124u Posts: 34 Member
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I was surprised at how lower in calories grilled bacon is than I thought it would be.. Popcorn that isn't from the movie theatre is pretty low in calories so yay!
  • Carlywiese
    Carlywiese Posts: 51 Member
    Original joes turkey club wrap ... 1200 freaking calories!! Luckily it was so tasteless and soggy I didn't even eat half of it...made me feel better when I got home and checked the nutrition info...and never again will I order in a restaurant without checking first!
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    I remember in my early logging days rice and pasta used to shock me (before adding all the toppings, admittedly i ate big portions too).

    I was looking at getting a sandwich the other day in Mark and Spencers, i'd be damned if i could find one under 600cals and they were bloody tiny.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,746 Member
    BigSpoonSA wrote: »
    Almonds were a big surprise. One small tin I'd eat in a sitting was almost a thousand calories.

    really? There's only 80 calories in 12 which is a handfull. x

    12 is a handful if you're a toddler. I can palm like triple that, lol.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    woofer00 wrote: »
    Crispy/Fried chicken wings, w/sauce - 150 per wing

    And on the other end, cucumbers/cauliflower/squash

    I second the Pub chicken wings. One pound (8 wings) 1200 calories..........I don't eat chicken wings anymore. Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    It might sound daft but I was really shocked at how many calories is in just one tbsp of vegetable oil.

    It really makes you realize why fast foods are so high in calories. 120 calories for one little tablespoon......crazy.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Mcdonalds Quarter Pounder (w/o Cheese) and a diet coke = 420 calories......that's reasonable cause when you have kids you just can't avoid that place forever.
  • Watermelon...considering so much of it is simply water, I thought it would have less calories (and all fruit). But I really surprised myself with the calories. I love watermelon and could eat well over 2 cups in one sitting, so I really had to restrict myself. The same with breakfast cereals. The calories are modest, but the serving size is so small lol.

    Then are Subway chocolate chip cookies. You'd think a place like Subway would have lower than normal calorie cookies. But nope. 220 calories for one tiny cookie! The same sized cookies at KFC are only like 160! I don't know how they packed those extra calories into that poor cookie.

    But now since I have been logging since June, I've really gotten a much better feel on an appropriate amount of food and I can guesstimate quite well the calories. Which is nice to have the habit since I'm not always available to internet to quickly look up something.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Shrimp I had a big shrimp cocktail that was 100 calories and very filling