I wanna eat the whole cake

I have these huge cravings for cookies, chocolate, ice cream, pizza... basically junk. I can't just have a 'small portion', I want the whole damn thing, and I'm not even hungry.
Does anyone feel this way too? How do you stop it? Because I'm dying here.


  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    edited October 2014
    Cravings are actually your body asking for specific things, here's a link:

    Sugar actually IS addictive:
    Junk food has a lot of "hidden in plain sight" sugars, you may think it's not sweet therefore not sugary, but they add all sorts of things to make food "tastier".

    Sometimes what you really need is water, not food:
    So drink 2-3 glasses of water, before giving in to cravings.

    In my case I don't keep trigger foods in the house. When I went on a low-carb diet I took absolutely everything that had sugar and carbs, put it into a box and donated it.
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    OMG I could totally eat a whole cake right now. Then I'd probably throw up because I haven't had cake or really sugar in months.

    I cannot haz cake. Others can haz cake with no problems. I've not reached that point in my journey yet to be trusted with it. It is The One Ring, and I am Gollum. I must have my preciousssss.

    If you were to have a piece, I would think the sane way to go about it would be to visit a place that sells a single serving and buy one. Eat it, enjoy it, love it, and log it.
  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    Thank you, guys!
    The problem is since I live with my siblings -my non-dieter siblings- there's pretty much always junk food in the house. Right now I can almost hear a bag of cookies calling my name from the cupboard. And I must have my precious too! :wink:
    I might be needing a salad with nuts, seeds, leafy greens, beans, fish, tomatoes, peppers, etc. LOL
    It is probably time for me to learn some self control. But, God, why does it have to be so hard?!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I cannot haz cake. Others can haz cake with no problems.

    LOL!!! I cannot haz cake, too.

    I don't buy it. I don't even look at it. If others are eating it, I look away.

    I was a cakeaholic, for sure! (In the jokey sense. I was not addicted to cake like I was to cigarettes. I just loved cake.)

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    You could always get little ramekins and make smaller portions. It's all about learning moderation and listening when you tell yourself no more. It takes time and trial and error, but it can be done.
  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    One serving of most cakes is a pitiful sight. But...I like being thinner more than I like large pieces of cake. I'm sorry you cannot yet eat smaller portions because portion control is a lifesaver. Once you learn that you can have yummy things by planning for them, it's a lot easier to resist eating the whole thing. I have dessert each night after dinner, but sometimes it's tiny. Until you are able to do that, you should probably keep the sweets out of sight if possible. Since you have to have it in the house, sometimes out of sight is the best you can do.

    Thanks, I've been trying to learn moderation but it's been ridiculously hard, to the point when I'm doing something completely non food-related and thinking about my favorite dessert, even when I've had a small portion of it earlier. It's just sick.
    You could always get little ramekins and make smaller portions. It's all about learning moderation and listening when you tell yourself no more. It takes time and trial and error, but it can be done.

    Thank you! I hope the day comes soon. The ramekins idea sounds cool, maybe it'll make the portions look less tiny, LOL.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    For me it's just easier not even having a taste of it for at least a few months. If I taste it and it's AWESOME I'll want to eat more. It's like wine. You can have a glass of wine a day, but really I know I'm going to enjoy it so much I'll probably have more like three. And obviously three glasses of wine a day is an alcohol abuse problem. So, I just avoid it in general.

    With sweets, for me at least, the less I eat them, the less I crave them. And then, since I know I'm no longer "addicted" to the sugary things, when I really AM craving something sweet (not just feeding the "addiction") I'll have a small piece of 70-80% chocolate and that'll do the trick for me.

    But at first it's pure WILL POWER. Hang a nice dress or jeans that you haven't fit into for ages in a visible place in your room. (Or a pic of a thinner you) Do you wanna eat the junk or do you wanna fit in your skinny jeans?
  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    crisb2 wrote: »
    Do you wanna eat the junk or do you wanna fit in your skinny jeans?

    I want both! :joy:
    But seriously I think you're right and I should cut sugar cold turkey.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    crisb2 wrote: »
    Do you wanna eat the junk or do you wanna fit in your skinny jeans?

    I want both! :joy:
    But seriously I think you're right and I should cut sugar cold turkey.

    I want both too!!! LOL
    It drives some people CRA-ZY going cold turkey. But for ME personally, it's the easiest fastest way, like ripping off a band-aid.
  • ineedtobulkup
    Yeah man, it's hard to resist cake. But brownies are the absolute hardest. The smell of fresh warm brownies makes me watery at the mouth.
  • anchetaaa
    I think the hardest thing for me is hot cheetos :( I literally can't NOT eat the whole entire bag.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Yeah man, it's hard to resist cake. But brownies are the absolute hardest. The smell of fresh warm brownies makes me watery at the mouth.

    That's just mean! LOL...

    Also OP, I've learned to drink tea with liquid stevia drops. It's become my dessert, I especially like ginger/lemon, cinnamon/orange and mint/green tea.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    I yell at my husband for bringing it into the house... He's awful at that... lol.
    Just today he called to tell me he bought a cake at work and wanted to know if I wanted him to bring it home or leave it in his office... even described the cake to me. :(

    Needless to say, he's leaving it at work ;)
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have these huge cravings for cookies, chocolate, ice cream, pizza... basically junk. I can't just have a 'small portion', I want the whole damn thing, and I'm not even hungry.
    Does anyone feel this way too? How do you stop it? Because I'm dying here.
    haha - this is totally me :p
    And that's why I felt the need to completely give up such foods. I can't ever seem to enjoy such junk in moderation. I'll eat...and eat...and eat until it's all gone.

  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Yeah man, it's hard to resist cake. But brownies are the absolute hardest. The smell of fresh warm brownies makes me watery at the mouth.

  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    @50sFit @baconboobies @anchetaaa @ineedtobulkup I hear you, brothers! The struggle is real :disappointed:
    Sometimes I'm eating a serving of cookies and not enjoying it, or just simply suffering because I know the portion will be gone soon and I'll want more! It's crazy

    @crisb2 Thank you for the tips! I will definitely try that, sounds good :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I have these huge cravings for cookies, chocolate, ice cream, pizza... basically junk. I can't just have a 'small portion', I want the whole damn thing, and I'm not even hungry.
    Does anyone feel this way too? How do you stop it? Because I'm dying here.

    I do. So I eat a piece.

    Today's lunch was a coffee with jager and goldschlager, paired with a slice of cherry pie.
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    The more you work on your self control, the easier it will get.
  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    50sFit wrote: »
    Yeah man, it's hard to resist cake. But brownies are the absolute hardest. The smell of fresh warm brownies makes me watery at the mouth.

    Where did you get that picture of me? :joy:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    The self-control thing gets easier. Cut the junk food out completely and in a few weeks, you won't even miss it.

    Some people can have little bits, but if you don't want the temptation, just stop eating it. It really does get easier. You'll get to a point where you can see other people do it and not join in. :)